We all need a common direction

Well were not going to stop what we are doing to do your game but for example I may have some free time here and there to help out, but quid pro quo if you have some guys who say know python well and could quickly put some scripts together for us if we need them, then I’m sure we can help.

I can animate, model and rig as well,
I am not the best texture artist however

need anything?


I code mostly with logic :slight_smile:

Well rigging would be of help to me as I’m the only one here who rigs, but I’m quite picky about it. As for effects if you had some samples i would love to see them.

But if your team would like to join our network, this project has enough people so we wouldn’t really need anything, but if you guys just stay in touch we’ll definitely have spare time to offer, and as things progress we’ll definitely be able to help each other out. I think this could definitely work out. If you read the outline i set out for our network on the previous page, i think you’ll be pretty satisfied with how we intend on doing business.

hi i can help.
can model and animtion can give a bit
as well learning zbrush atm.
i am 1.5 years on blender
and have spear time like 3~4 a day give at if be fun

I have modeled some buildings and cars before.I usually model a mesh and use the cast modifier,subsurface modifier and boolean modifier to improve on it.I have been using blender for 6 years.I do modeling things in sculpt mode with dynamic topology.I have did some animations but they are not great though.You can take a look at some of the things i wrote on The ghost writers corner forum.In the blender forum.Could i join?

BluePrintRandom cool effects I think having your team join our network would be a big push in the right direction for both our teams. There will be an official website put together in the coming weeks hopefully sooner.

3d Solar system builder We would love to have you join our team, in the interest of keeping our project moving could you model some bamboo? I know people don’t necessarily like the first response to be a job order, but that’s the easiest way to keep our projects on task. We’re always here so feel free to post any questions.

Bamboo with leaves or without?

Yes good point sorry I definitely needed to be clearer. Okay its a bamboo hut but before you built it just a sample of a stalk of bamboo would be great

Here is your bamboo sticks.http://www.pasteall.org/blend/20907

Yea just like that should be perfect, maybe like variations in length. And if you want to start building the walls of the hut. I’d say use the third largest size you made and with a good amount of variation, make it look makeshift.

Use your own judgement with overall design of the hut.

Overall I’m quite impressed.

This sounds awsome. I really want to help out with this. I can commit a minimum of 3 hours a week, probably more.

Here is what I can do (I’ve been blending for 2 years):

Animation - not much
Materials - Good is cycles, okay in BI
Lighting - Same as materials
Textures - I have a good camera and can find some good textures
UV Unwraping - Okay, but getting better
Modeling - Okay for simple, non organic objects
Physics - Good with everything but smoke
Camera tracking - Okay, getting better

I can also write well and would love to help on the directing end. I will email you with my work and would love to see the script.:yes:

Hey guys,

So here’s our daily update.

nemoDaedalus has kindly offered to write us a website from scratch. So needless to say that’s pretty freakin’ awesome. So when that comes online then we will be able to create a solid pipeline. That will be HUGE for us.

We’ve gotten three new people today so on that front were definitely still growing. As well the possibility that team wrecitified might join our network, which would be great. I mean there’s always people who want to do games and some who want to make animation, we have our differences but at the end of the day we can be an invaluable asset towards each other. So game people can make there games and animation can make there animation, but having the other there to help when you need it most, will be best for everyone.

So after pointing out where to find the script to superhomosapien (and for all who are interested it’s here like page two i think) he decided no longer to work with us. I only mention that because A) we all need to know whose involved and B) I probably should explain our short term plans, this script was a little thing I wrote for a very small personal project so i could get up to speed with blender as I switched from Maya to blender around three weeks ago. I was not planning on any of this. But we decided this project would be most appropriate for our needs as we need to learn the pitfalls of this process as well as develop a working pipeline. But as far silly little scripts go this will definitely be a cool project.

Now I kinda already stated this but I feel this needs to be restated. We are here to teach beginners. That is a large part of our philosophy we allow anyone who is interest to work on our projects. But just because you worked hard and did your best work doesn’t mean it will get in the final product. We are here to make the highest quality animation we possible can. I know many people won’t understand why they would want to bother in that case, but those who are serious about learning and growing as a CG artist will see how great an opportunity this is. We will give you projects within your defined boundaries as to a specialty but it will be something out of your comfort zone. You will learn how to work within a production environment as well as have access to like minded artists, and at the end of the project if your work didn’t go in then you will be able to see how someone with more experience did it and learn from them.

This isn’t our philosophy because we’re such nice guys, it’s our philosophy because it’s best for our network. Animation and games take alot of work and time to be made months and months and months, so if a complete beginner were to offer there time and stay committed to the work over just a few projects for two or three years (which is not a long time in the world of animation) they will become a professional, able to handle any task thrown at them. Working three years in a production environment be surrounded by many talented artists day in and day out is huge and is not something you’ll get anywhere else, if your a beginner. It’s like going to school but its not highly exclusive as it doesn’t require you to already know what your doing before they will honor you with their presence and it’s free, and if we are successful in our plans then you are pretty much guaranteed a paying job as your foot is well in the door if you’ve been working for us for years.

I really believe in this project because I believe in you guys, I’ve seen the commitment and the desire and I’m not just impressed, I’m thankful because you guys are what is pushing this project along so quickly.

So nothing has really changed, the character department (Andre and I) is stalled because I don’t know whats up with the mesh, but it’ll be worked out soon one way or another, texturing and rigging will be under way no later then next week. 3d solar system is working on our scenery and doing a great job. Bastion is taking care of the storyboard and Rfyer is doing music. Lines will start being recorded this week.

The websites under way as i said before so with the exception of the stall within the character department all is moving along much better then expected.

So if everybody can just say what they are doing and when we should expect them to be done, so we can really see whats going on here, that would be great.

I should have the bambo hut done in a week or a half of week.

Good, I was thinking for the roof, maybe large leafs or something, up to you, I wouldn’t go crazy with it.

What about a bamboo roof.

Okay, I’m thinking like a bamboo frame, and leaves for the top. I can do the leaves, just a plane with the picture of a leave and an alpha channel will do.

armm bamboo its something that of texture the element in game cuz its alot of poly just 1k poly for wood stick game wont more its large area as well no matter want its not really importnet frame in overall

I’m sorry fastwings what?