VickyM72's Sketchbook

Vicky hugs Craig

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really nice renders all of them, but the modeled rig is the best because no one has ever taken the time to do such a thing that I can remember :smiley:

Thank you! When I asked people how to do it all I got was “why do you want to do this?”
Now I have a rigged rig :smiley: Not sure why there isn’t an option to render the rig anyway, I’ve seen people do stranger things in Blender :slight_smile:

More walls, all Blender Internal:





I love abstract and especially love so see somebody rockin’ the BI!

tug tug

Vicky ya think you could do a tutorial about lighting and materials in the BI? I can’t use Cycles (don’t have the right gpu) and the BIs you have that realistic look that I can’t seem to achieve no matter how hard I try.

Pwetty pweeeeeese?

Oh do you also make your own textures?

@dustractor: Thanks a lot! :eyebrowlift:

@Anita: Sure! I’ll have one up today or tomorrow, I’ll let you know when it’s done :smiley:

does happy dance

Thanks you! Aside from modeling, lighting is my arch enemy.

Loving the organic shapes they’re so fluid.

Thanks! I forgot, yes I do make a lot of my own textures from right in Blender itself :smiley: The Dice picture above is just Voronoi Crackle with Color turned off and a Bump of .03

Pretty cool. I usually try to make my own in Illustrator or Photoshop just can’t find decent tutorials that don’t use a photo texture from somewhere else.

slaps self

I also take my own photo textures. If I’d remembered that last night…ugh!

@Anita: I have a chatroom of my own here: Feel free to stop in! :smiley:

WOW really great work,

but to be honest i hate to see works done on the monkey, i mean if you make something and work on it it will be better

@Alketbi: Thanks very much! :smiley: As for the monkey picture, well, that was a shader test, DOF test, and if you are a Blender user, it makes a pretty cool wallpaper. :yes:

Fabulous work, I especially like the ArchVis

These are great, love to see others getting the most out of the spline/curve system that we have. Awesome stuff.

@alanti and zeffii: Many thanks to the both of you! :smiley:

nice work,have you thought about combining you work with michalis uv/displacment technique?,think you could produce some cool stuff.

Thanks a lot! :smiley: I have thought about it, but my PC would probably explode :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a little something I whipped up today. Blender Internal render, no lights, only environment lighting and a blended orange/blue sky, and one RGB curve in the compositor. Of course this had to be rendered with a transparent background, so the white backing was added in GIMP.