The Beast!

whoa! This is great. You really went all out on this one :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing the videos.
btw, did you find that blender to worked well (performance wise) while painting? Did you experience any lag? I’ve had very varying results myself with texture painting on medium spec’ed computers.

Jaw dropping, as always.

Haha! So true
This is excellent. Must study…

Great , Nice Concept , Amazing work:yes::yes:


Hey, where is the rendering side video?

OMG this is perfect and inspirational…

Congratz mate.

Very good work, very nice and profesional. Thanks for share your videos , is very usefull to see the workflow.

Do you subdivide mesh in zbrush for make details?, do you make normals and sisplace in zbrush or Blender?

thanks and Regards.

Really Awesome Character!!! I could see you have used Zbrush to add Finer details, isn’t it possible in Blender itself?

Hey there, brilliant work! Haven’t watch process yet but planing on doing that soon, tho haven’t you though about making timelapses version as well? I know there are people who loves both. Btv most importantly, I would love to see uv’ing timelapse (if not real time) as well since complex objects uv’ing is quite hard for me still :).

I didn’t think you’d be able to top the juggernaught, yet here we are. LOL. Amazing, congrats!

thanks to all.

So, I used Zbrush for 2 reasons, the first one is that I have a regular license and the second one is that zbrush handle in a better way hires mesh.
I baked the normal maps in blender and ZBrush.

I didn’t record the rendering part, becouse I’m still studing it, so I won’t share wrong workflow.

I don’t use cavity map or displace map on the diffuse because make the final result flat and unrealistic in most of cases, I prefer to hand paint the details and dark areas.

Maybe I will share the UV process too, even it is quite boring… ehehe

I wanted to use fur, but now looks like its impossibile to have ‘per strand color’ so the result is too homogeneous, so I didn’t

thanks again! shows you how to use a texture to have fur/hair strands different colors :slight_smile:

First of all I want to acknowledge my thanks for your consideration in posting these videos. I am new to Blender from Maya and this is very inspiring to see another useful workflow and how blender can be used to further creature modelling.

Second I would like to ask if you would post that ever boring video of your UV process lol, because to someone new to Blender this will be quite handy. Hell even the Zbrush process of rendering would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

man… animate that and it would be totally beast :D;):)!
all without SSS?

Wow, amazing monster. Good work!

Grande Maxx!!

Awesome work! Have to take a time to see the process.

Cycles you say? That looks amazing, you must have a really good computer, and oodles of talent and experience.

amazing! and great textures :evilgrin:

Thanks for your explain and for videos, really i learned with it :).

Good work.