The Beast!

I don’t know… Something just doesn’t sit right…

Let me say, it is awesome and far greater than anything I could do but the skin is too flat. OK if you’re using GPU you’re restricted to using SSS unless you want massive render times, but your juggernaut model looks perfect (the fingers and skin exhibit sss nicely… (ok you were using vray but still)

Render this with SSS and I think it could be perfect. Hope you don’t mind the crit :wink:

Top notch work, MmAaXx! The attention paid to the details is stunning. I really like the variety of materials, as well as the details in the modeling. I doubt I can add much to what has already been said, so I will just say great job! Thanks again for the videos as well!

this guy is crazy cool

Thanks again!

some further infos:

I used SSS, but I don’t really like strong sss especially on creatures and big dirty character.
But I agree maybe pay more attention on sss should be a nice decision, maybe when we have a more customizable shader It will be more simple 8)

Thankyou again guys!

Very nice job.
What is the specifition of your pc?( ram, graphic card…)

Let me just clarify. By SSS I mean the true CPU based operation. We know sss can only be faked on the GPU but it just doesn’t have the same sensitivity as true sss. Octane seems to have cracked the GPU with SSS nut but cycles -it will be much more longer to wait.

To be honest this, is why when browsing these forums the images in the galleries still don’t quite compete with the likes of V-ray.

So I am assuming the masses use GPU rendering for their output. Perhaps you could do a composite.

^^Above the sensitivity of the light with CPU based SSS makes all the difference I think. You can’t beat the real thing.

I used CPU only. No gpu here.
btw, the ‘super sss effect’ you linked is exactly something I didn’t want for this character xD. Eheheh

Haha sorry I do apologise… I didn’t read it properly. I assumed you were using GPU.

I find your character very reminiscent of this artist

I think he uses vray but the skin looks slightly better IMO.

I’ll call him Frankenstein.

awesome… in gamba max :wink:


amazing artwork. I’ve been following the videos on the fly and… As i’ m slowly switching from a full blender workflow to a Zbrush/blender one, I would like yo know how you’ve dealt with the communication and file management betwin those.

I’ve really really enjoyed your flowless videos.
i’m still so admirative, congratulation.

wow really nice work!!!
and the making of was really helpfull i like it
but question have you used a consept or you were working only with your imagination

really amazing work, and thanks for sharing that useful videos! just a inocent question, if you let me: if i understood right, you sculp a base, then do the retopo, and over the new retopo re-sculpt again adding more detail. but in anycase, you repeat some part of the sculpt process. Is not more practice, to make the definitive sculpted base before doing the retopo?

Yea this is awesome, freaky looking too. It’s a creature…

The problem is when you make the definitive sculpt and then retopo it´s a pain to get nice texture with baking.
plus, you can keep the multiresolution modifier renderable on rigged mesh for animation (not for video games indeed) and add only the hight frequency detail throught baked texture.
real geometry is allways better than faked with textures and displacement…

i must say i’ve tested these issues before :smiley:

Purely awesome… The textures are mad!:slight_smile:

amazing! and timelapse videos! now I have hours and hours of watching to do :smiley:


Incredible work… congrats!

wow really epic! great videos by the way