Screenshot Extra Extra!

I’ll join in the fun. :eyebrowlift:
Neither of these environments are finished, but I wanted to include shots that were not available on my website, or anywhere else. In other words, these are exclusive to this thread, for now at least. Enjoy!
Air pumping room ^
Astronomy lab^

For anyone who doesn’t know, these are from my game Into the Titan, and the alien is called a Zark. There is a demo available on the site.

PS- this thread proves a point I’ve been making forever. It is ultimately textures that define whether or not your game is realistic. If you have realistic textures, your game will look pretty realistic. If your textures look cartoony, vice versa.

intrr, wow, those screenshots look great! Did you do all those shadows by hand then? Impressive, looks very real. I want to walk around in it. :slight_smile:
Great plants also.

Hey Sanne,

yes, I did the shadows by hand… either vertex colors or textured alpha planes… however, you really start to feel stupid considering that modern engines can do this all automatically and dynamically…
Time for Ogre integration into Blender… if someone pays me EUR 1000, I will do it :slight_smile:

PlantPerson: I can’t help but suppose that your alien took some inspiration from Commander Keen - because it actually looks exactly like one of the monsters there.

I love this thread :smiley:

Everyone is so good at blender.

You’re not the first person to say so–but I’d never even heard of Commander Keen when I first invented the Zarks. There’s no connection to Zork either.
Here’s a little shoot-em-up game I spent about an hour on with a friend of mine. There’s a plethora of concept write-ups and a few sketches in the works. Who knows if this game will ever get off the ground, but either way we were very pleased that a shoot-em-up was so easy to make in Blender (once we properly turned the gravity off)

Here’s a blend file to whet your palette.

Woah, cool.

Reminds me of Geometry Wars :smiley:

sorry dubble post

this was a project I worked on in 2006

CasperN I think you’ve just won yourself a Wii or a PS3

Enter this into that contest by changing somethign to turn it into one of those weird machines and I think you’ll be a strong competitor!

Well, if b2cs shots can be put here, then I could put a screen or two from my adventure game. :cool:

Well, I actually failed the first lighting setup, then it went to experimentation and then I decided to take a pause from it and test blender’s physics capabilities. During the pause, I also made changes to storyline, and the first scene will not be the train station, it will be a dream sequence (or something) and a basement/or something scene. Since that place would have a lot to do with the plot…

I actually think I spoiled someone’s excitement/fun/and stuff. :spin:

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If it only worked, the ball get stuck in other objects all the time…
its a dead project until I know how to use the game engine better.

All this stuff looks nice VERY nice im working on my contest entry now as soon as i make it less bare with a few nice textures ill post a picture of it Thats the only gameblender project im working on

ok this is it so far the textureing is a bit “iffy” but the contest as i understood it was not about GRAPHICS
but about Funcionality useing the engine

so heres a picture i SILL have aLOT to do and im about a week and a half in
(i started as soon as the contest was announced )


good job plantperson , ilike the new shots and i liked your game demo

The new Zark game is getting very well. Good room concepts! I also like the pinball game, its lightning and textures. Looks very professional.

Here are some screens from my latest project. It will be called Outer Stratosphere.

Looking good GG7!

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intrr, seems your manual shadow mapping was quite laborious, kudos for that!

I’m looking forward to this also very much. While it will help with dynamic shadows, it won’t for automatic lightmap generation, though, so the upcoming new lightmap baking feature in Blender will still be very helpful then for static shadows.