RenderStreet - questions and feedback

Thanks for reporting that. It’s a known issue and it should be addressed in the near future.

UPDATE: was fixed.

While waiting for the official release of 2.67, we have added a 2.67 RC1 build to our site, with Freestyle. Happy cartooning! :slight_smile:

as known that freestyle is high memory eating… what when project will be to big for render farm?

Kramon: we didn’t have a project too big for our farm so far. If we will encounter such a case, we will work with the user to find a solution for the problem.

can i create new account for testing freestyle? big sceen?

FreeStyle is available for all accounts. There is no need to create any special account for it. Just look for the latest Blender SVN version we have there, should say FreeStyle.

Note that it’s available only when you select BI as your render engine.

yes i know but for you know test i want to see if project will run on it or no… I can’t use my work account for that :smiley:

Thanks for that, but we have no need for additional testing for it at the moment. Since it’s supported under an SVN version, it comes out on an “as is” basis. People can test it out if they want to, and we make no guarantee it will work, since Blender does not guarantee the non official versions will work as expected.

We tested it reasonably well and know and are confident it will work as well as a desktop Blender build works.

Thanks for offering to test it out for us though.

Blender 2.67 is officially out, and as of today it is also available on RenderStreet.

I’ve been doing some math on my end under the assumption that you can scale a blender render job linearly. Based on my rough math it would be a least 500% cheaper than your service to deploy this to on-demand nodes. I’m going to play around with this idea, and do some benchmarks. Y’all might have some competition in a few weeks. :wink:


Our solution has been in development for over an year, and it took quite some effort to bring it to the reliability and performance level that it is now. Most of our users are professionals that do this for a living, and they can’t afford missed deadlines or misfires. So it may take more than just ‘deploying’ an application to make it work.
That being said, we welcome the competition, as it can only be beneficial to the community. Good luck with your project!

I am using it quite a lot. There is somethink that you can’t buy TIME! and such solutions helps a lot. when you are in business you will understand. I am even using this sometimes for HQ prevs. it cost me less then 1$ and i have FULLHD render. In 5 minutes i don’ t have to wait 30-40 minutes. That’s quite a lot.

I use Amazons EC2 cloud manually for LuxRender, however, it is alot less reliable than a service from a render farm, and more hassle to set up. Creating a reliable interface that can scale instances is not likely to be easy. I do however save a fair bit of money.

Also, Kudo’s to for supporting LuxRender, including the latest releases, I don’t know of any other render farm that does this atm.

I’ve seen many people who failed with this competition. is the first service who fully passed the task, they offer exactly what professionals use. I know no other renderfarm for Blender with Cycles that supports GPU in a very realiable an fast way.

Good luck :wink:

Kind regards

Is it possible to have add’one from RenderStreet so i can render work from Blender?

We are considering that. Though it will take some time to add that, as we would like to make sure such an addon works properly with all the Blender versions we support.

Also, at the moment we are dedicating our resources to streamlining the website user interface in order to offer more advanced options, and this takes precedence over working on an addon.

I just signed up for your free trial, and I must say that I love when you are allowed to try before paying! :slight_smile: There are few things I hate more than having to buy things of unknown quality. And $25 is very generous of you. It shows confidence in your product! So, with that said, I will now take it for a spin. Wish me luck! :smiley:

Hello Gustav! Please read the instructions about packing the project and (if applicable) about how baking works on our farm. And instead of wishing you luck we’ll assist in case something goes wrong. Sounds good? :slight_smile:

Question - is it possible to enable the “Experimental” feature set in Cycles? I’d like to render some fur, but even with “Experimental” enabled in the file, it still uses the standard set.

Pesho, we do have the experimental feature set activated, and have rendered several projects with fur so far.
If you had a project that contained fur and didn’t come up ok, please contact me on private with the project details so we can look into it.