My RiDe

character is so sweet and also render too :slight_smile:

Can you provide any wireframes?

heya here you go… :slight_smile:


great bokeh

Thanks for the wires. Didn’t look like you modeled most of the piece. Nice. Great job.

i modeled everything… this was for competition in which you cant take any 3rd party’s model…

Oh, I see. I thought the background is mostly images. Nice work! Definitely a piece of art.

no no that blurred part of background was image only… it was for bokeh only … and thank you :slight_smile:

OK I just looked up Bokeh, and learned something! So would you please explain what you used for the filtering, I assume in compositor, if so, which filter gives such nice results?

Hello Walshlg… i used node editor… here are the settings…

Nita :slight_smile:

Dig the colour.

Really nice, Really nice, Really nice !!!

nice, apparantly you won the competition

absolutely beautiful. amazing color and incredible composition. This is beautiful work!

thank u everyone… :slight_smile:

Really nice artwork.

I like the way the background fades and the focus is on the girl and the horse.

The color choices match the mood of the picture.

The little girl has an awesome facial expression.

Just love the happy and jolly feel that it gives…and the warm tone overall adds to the comfort factor and superbly composed indeed…just great!

That is a really cute picture. I really like the espression on the girls face. :slight_smile: The scene reminds me when I was a little boy, and my mother would take me to the carnival when it was in town. I’ve seen ballons almost opaque, so I think they look fine. My preference is for semi transparent ballons :). Well Done!

Great work. And congratulations on making it to the SIGGRAPH Blender reel!

I think the expression works. It’s like an “in-the-moment” picture, in where you’re bound to catch an odd-looking half expression, like how it looks in the picture above. Very Nice work.