KRUM - Edge Of Darkness - available on Steam

I played both the old and the newest version of your game, and I have to say, it’s amazing.
With the new brain in the enemy and the health bar it makes it a lot better to the first version.
I think it’d be really great if you extended it into an RPG, make a few more enemies, add a town somewhere. It’d be really good. I, for one, would most certainly play it the whole way through if you did make it intoan RPG.
Anyway as I said, it’s really good.
Keep going

what he said :slight_smile:

I’m very glad you like it…ofcourse I’ll try to make full playable level with more enemies I’m already doing some tests with 3-4-5 enemies. Btw…last night I make some levels of destruction of the enemy body…now while you fight with him you can slice some of him:)) …a head, a hand, half of the body…nice to see his corpse all around the ground:)) .I fix the walking cycles. Now I can just stood there and enjoy his walking…sniffing…roaring…and alot more new actions. …when I have more worthy to show progress I’ll post it.

I don’t know whether you looking for this or not, but if ESRB rated your game, and it had that (with blood), most likely it’d be rated ‘M’. Just saying…:eek:

It would be nice if he really died. :slight_smile:
Okay, I’ll get a bit more serious:

I like your game it looks very cool. I know you are still working on it but a few comments will help a bit I guess, I think you found this out by yourself too. I think that it takes too much strikes/arrows to kill the enemy. I don’t like it when killing takes very long I like realism. Gameplay realism. I know graphical realism isn’t possible with Blender at the moment but your game gets very close to commercial quality. Offcourse the games with the updated graphics are much better, since the BGE has so less programmers. Anyway, your game has a great concept. Slicing of the parts would be very nice, or you could try to develop some kind of a decal system. I mean that when you hit the player you’ll see a wound appear (an arrow wound, sword wound or a wound caused by an axe). In FarCry you can see this happen too, when you shoot at the enemy and later check out his body you’ll see that the locations where you hit him have a blood texture applied which looks like a wound caused by a bullet.

So far my not-so-educative comments,

- AniCator

On the contrary, I like it when it’s not “Three Strikes and You’re Out!” but where there is enough time to turn the tide of the battle. There should be a system (I’ve done it before) where after a short amount of time, your health starts regenerating rather quickly, and moves quicker if you are not attacked for longer periods of time. This is good for a game where there are many enemies in a small camp. If you are attacked by a camp of maybe 10-15 enemies, You actually have a possibility of living, where if you have a total of 30 hitpoints and they don’t regenerate very fast, It’s near impossible. It also makes it possible to run away for a period of ~15 seconds and you are back with almost full health. This is the system my game uses. I’ve found that it’s more fun when you play a game where you hit mainly 20-50 hitpoints out of a character per hit, but they have 100-500hp.

These are just my Ideas, but I think it would raise the performance of your game.
Good Luck!

You and Rusty246 should combine your games. He has an environment, you have characters and weapons, etc.

I know, stupid idea.
Great game anyway

Whoops! Wrong Idea!

My idea of the battles is this- I want all enemies to have their own personallity, to have very good AI …and to be memorable when you play the game not to say…“first 2033345 enemies I’ve killed that way”, but to say: “The Trakk was hard to kill…he was very tricky” …in this game one battle will be with max 2-3 enemies at a time. There will be no hordes of mindless orks…to slaughter them. You have to fight with your mind, you have to take decidions(shit, I forgot how it spells)…for every enemy will be special tactic to fight and to defeat. There will be 5 maybe 6 types of enemies…not more, but I want to make them intelligent and funny as far as I can. :))).
And ofcourse when I finish this I’ll be glad to join any community project.

Good answer Haidme. I like that. This will take you a little bit of time, but so far so good!

Very nice!
Only two suggestions. Crosshair for the bow, and maybe a make the striking distance for the other weapons a little farther.
Other than that, very cool, can’t wait to see what else you come up with.

Hey. Another Idea for your arrow shooting is that it goes straight and doesn’t curve. Probably using a LinV Movement.

Hmm, till now I was doing other things about the battle mode, but now I’ll start improving bow shooting. This curve traektory was hard to me to attain. I’ll improve it to achieve more accurate bow experience. I’ts very fun to shoot in different angle in otder to aim the enemy. When the enemy is far away you’ll have to aim with high angle…and so on. LinV is unnatural for the arrow…
Btw…is someone knows…the max verts for one game scene…and the max verts blender can handle, cause for now I have about 10,000 verts in the scene. I’ve seen scene with 50,000 verts but not made with blender.

blender has some serious leak memory problem. You cannot make a big shape game without facing it. So even if you can reach 50 000 poly ( it’s possible but don’t expect much that 70 000 ) you won’t be able to change scene due to this problem. I think also there is a limited object number.

Thanks for your answer I think 20,000-25,000 is max polys I’ll reach…and this is when the caracter is outside a castle or city.

I just saw something on the forums you might enjoy.:yes: (Click the Smiley - My new trend)

Also. In my game we are going to be working on a hardcore LoD System, Especially with terrain. It could help out with your “Poly Problem.”

Also about your idea for killing different things, If you have anything else other than human, you could develop an elements system for your game. For instance, Fire Sword does well against Ice Warriors, but Water Scythe Doesn’t do very much, but very good against Fire Elementals.

Hope this helps, in multiple ways.

One of the best blender demos I’ve seen :slight_smile: Keep it going :slight_smile:

For those who are curious…current progress at YouTube:

I really like the game! Could you post a .zip file of the new version? I also am .rar reading impaired.

Yes , here is the progress /link deleted!/
New hit is available -
press at the same time jump(num0),fwd(upArrow) and hit(MB) , and release them

  • the hero makes spin jump hit.
    Enemy- first time attacks you with the same spin jump hit
    Now there are ShieldBlock FX - praticles and light.
    Shield Duration when reached “0” the shield brokes
    Health bar and partly finished UI
    Tow ways to kill the enemy - axe - cuts half a body; sword cuts a hand.
    Blood spot when he die
    Space - restart game

Any comments about the FPS you achieved, will be appreciated :slight_smile: