KRUM - Edge Of Darkness - available on Steam

This is a great demo! My brother liked it too, he normally doesn’t like Blender games because the users who make them don’t make them that well. But that’s his opinion.
I like it a lot, but I think you should really work on the spin attack. I can’t kill the enemy using that attack.
Great dismemberment. My brother wondered if you could slice of all parts. I said no, I hope we can later on.

- AniCator

It’s pretty sweet!!

Ok. Awesome.
Body parts didn’t come off when he was hit or anything.
How did you simulate the blood on the ground?
Make it so that when he dies, he disappears very quickly so that there is no bounds problem. When he is dead, you can shoot arrows where he was and they stick in the air.
Thats all of my critique for today. Come back tomorrow and you’ll have another bit (Maybe, but probably not)

Wowowow! Really nice. There are some place to see some sort of “making”? it’ll be really great!
Keep up the great work! I’ve played, and i’ve enjoyed a lot. :wink:


i would have to say its the best game ive ever played made with blender. just a few things though.

  1. the sword doesnt seem nearly as effective as the axe.
  2. i dont know if it was a glitch or you just havnt doen it yet but i wouldnt die.
  3. as i was fighting his he randomly jumped over me and started walking again.
  4. i went through a tree

good things about the game:

  1. AMAZING graphics. (for blender, that is)
  2. even with the great graphics theres no lag
  3. the ways he dies are cool and well done.
  4. i liek the choice of weapon.
  5. amazing AI

you get the point. the game rocks my socks off.

keep it up!

wow , looks like the GOD OF WAR game :slight_smile:

The Red Hand: the blood is just a plane with alpha texture and ipoScale for about 300 frames.

blubernuget: The hero can not die :slight_smile: …yet.

I’v done some tests with 2D filters-release of blender here is preview:

This is hole new world of eye candies for the games i think.
Lets say the invert filter can be used for a lighting storm…flashes…looks great.
Sepia filter can be used for “remembering” in game movies. and so on.

Thanks hamed zaghaghi for this.

AMAZING! Best Blender GE graphics, animation and AI I’ve ever seen-played. Love the ability to change weapons and the UI. Keep on working man!
Serious skills here!

I can’t get the new file :frowning: I get a 404 error…

Nevermind I copy-pasted the link and it worked XD

Maybe I’m doing something wrong… but the link you gave me opens a .rar file… not a zip file… Please! Dont keep me from playing this amazing game!

Hahaha desperate :slight_smile: Get winrar?

I hope BlendX will be finished soon!

I strongly second that…

I strongly third that. lol

I strongly fourth that - Ive been watching this thread with interest. :yes:

The detail in the models (with high fps) and especially the AI make this very impressive. Id love to be able to do AI like this.

As for the filters i personally think the sepia version brings a good feel to the game, gives it some nice style which is pretty important. The grey scale is pretty cool to, and the colored version is also very nice.

The only major problem i have is with the bad guy in the game and the ‘vision’ he has. You can pretty much walk in front of him and he doesn’t see till your right in line. If you could make his view much broader (say 30 degrees out each side of his face) it would be more realistic.

But apart from that i think its very nice! A definite achievement.
Look forward to seeing more.

Oh, and the lightning idea sounds VERY nice, it would be awesome if you could do that.

Get WinRAR. There is a free 40 Day demo for download.(even though i can still use mine after a year.:confused:) Game Looks great, you should try to make one of the 2D filters blur the screen red when the hero dies.

Wow, thats kinda like another game I’ve seen that I just got: Killzone Liberation for the PSP. every time I die, it flashes that thing.

There isn’t a shader for that one. He’d have to make his own! I’m not really good at programming shaders.

Don’t get influenced by the community when they talk about what you should add to your game!

Well there is blur and motion blur filter, but MB dont’t work on(not supported by) my radeon X1600/256mb , wich is funny. and blur filter eats alot of processor time and fps goes down to 5-7fps…I guess the two filters is just useless for now…

Ok now I’m posting a multi enemies version…unfortunately there appears some bugs in the IA script…on witch I’m working right now. And one more thing…I’ll have to reduce the polys of the enemy units…cause with tree enemies the game is almost unplayable.

link deleted!
Add enemies with - “E” key as much as you want.