GPS14's sketchbook


Any comments would be appreciated! :o

He’s rigged!

And some close-ups…


Bob is awesome. :smiley:

I like Bob :RocknRoll: You should stick to doing animals :smiley:

Thanks guys. Here are some more pics of Bob. I’m going to post him on CG Trader soon.

How do I change the thread icon?

Um, get a better background pic for that last one, and add some bump to that bark (real displacement… Mesh not material)

The bark has a subsurf with a displacement modifier after it, so it does have the texture in the mesh. You can see that if you look at the edges.:wink: Whats wrong with the background image?

Thanks for the critique anyway.

My future house! I’m Practicing architecture with extra focus on structural stability.

So much for “structural stability”…

Yay, the importance of living in a solid building is so overrated! :wink:

Yup, houses like this make life more exiting… which is not always a good thing.
Thanks for the comment!

Here’s Bob on CG trader.

I’m working on food materials:

Like the food :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Joey. (:p)
Here’s a mouse that I’m making for use in games:

I might not be able to use these materials for the actual game, as it slows down my computer a bit.

Another model for video games. I’ve finally finished retopo-ing my first, full human model, and probably my last for a long time.

Here’s another portrait.

Another render:


Another sculpt: