Giants of the Earth Film Thread

Cerberus close up. The material looks wicked.

Another view of a bad dog. Here we see why he’s named Cerberus

Great work. Well done.

You are producing a lot of animation . How much time are you spending on this?

ijay – I spend way too much time on it. Probably 6 to 8 hours a day. You’d be amazed what you can get done if you can live on 4 hours of sleep.

Here is another frame from my little video.
test7 by dx3_1979, on Flickr

The next scene in this film is online.

The last scene left us with Breanna dead, Lance severely wounded. The brood of Erebus does not want to see Lance die, and so they send Cerberus to find someone capable of caring for his wounds. His biological mother, a nurse in the intensive care unit.

Note: I love comments. But I know the sound effects, and especially voices, are poor. If you have solutions for this, I would love to hear them, but if you just want to say it sucks. Please don’t. I’m not an aspiring foley artist or sound engineer.

Technically, this is the first face I have modeled from scratch,still tweaking the shape, but overall, I am pleased

More work

I really like the animation. How long was created?

My guy is finished. Here is a capture

And he can be seen in a video here:

How long was created?
The video with the dog blowing everything up? About two weeks to do the actual animation and editing. (I had modelled the dog and most of the woman, and the buildings a long time ago)

Some other characters that will be introduced in a year or two…

,louis vuitton bikini | Back to logs list 39474987 2008 年 05 月 11 日 17:04 Reading (loading. …) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary ; Today is my mother’s holiday ; to wish my mother and all mothers: Health Ping Beautiful Happiness,cheap bikini! 2008-5-11 published cancel | Back to logs list

Get ready. Character development on the way…

here is a setting for the next scene:

what can I say, the amount of work that you’ve put into this is pretty staggering.

But after watching some of the clips I can’t help but wonder what you would be able to achieve if you were to concentrate on something shorter. I don’t think I’m the only person in the world that would take quality over quantity, and I reckon you certainly have the ability.

I’m not really criticising your work, I can accept it as it is- you want to tell a story, and that’s what this is.

But I have to say, a 30 second animation of consistant exceptional quality can have a massive impact.

I appreciate the comments Dalron. I have mentioned this somewhere, but my ultimate goal is for someone (Maybe Ton Roosendaal) to notice (or someone bigger) whatever, and we could form a team and make it real. I think it would be a good idea – in three days I could have a 90% script, in a month we could have 90% storyboard. Plus, this project is even more amenable to the open community (call for "model a city block) (model a normal person) (model a classroom) etc. Things that people can just look out there window and model (unlike Sintel, which was fantasy and therefore required more creative direction to make open modelling calls) – These were major issues with Sintel that are solved here. Plus, I already have several possible game spin-offs to further development of the game engine. To gain interest in the story – that is my ultimate goal.

Hey – a guy can dream right?

Some screens from the next scene

The Olympus. A battle vessel for upcoming scenes. (like 6 months from now)
