F16 A/B personal project - WIP

Here’s some more landing gear stuff that I did today

I’m planning in rigging it for closeup animations [cooool] I hope I haven’t bitten more than I can chew!!


WOW! You’re really going for detail! Looking forward to seeing it completed; good luck.

LOL thanks coolfield7, I’m so caught up in the learning process that I didn’t realized the level of details I’m getting myself into…I hope it doesn’t bite me in the “behind” :evilgrin:

I’ve uploaded this turntable of the landing gear parts here: http://vimeo.com/93104617 (I know not a great video super-production)


A bit more modeling of parts and started to put together the parts for the main landing gears, there’s a few of the parts shown here that won’t go in the final placement as they are too small and all they will do is add extra geometry that is not needed, but it’s been fun modeling them.

I’ve just discovered the Matcap “thingy”, great tool to check for any funny geometry

Any ideas or tuts that could help me rig the bracket on the far left, it has one major hindge (large brackets) and three small moving brackets that hindge as well? Thanks in advance for help!


Fingers crossed I’ll end up with something like this. I won’t model all the inner workings as it’s WAAAYYY too much, I’ll see if I can UVmap it… :eek:


I’m almost done with the landing gear, just a matter of rigging and texturing some wear and tear to it.

As usual any comment, idea, critique or just want to say something, go ahead!!!


Looking good! Really love the mechanics on those landing gears.
Maybe make the tire rounder.

Thanks IconW!..well today I couldn’t hold back so I began playing around with textures and paint schemes :D. Anywho for those interested, I replaced the old landing gears with the new ones, added the LG door openings and did a few minor adjustment to the mechanics of the LG’s.

I failed miserably at riging the LG, but no biggie as I’m not animating anything at this stage, probably in the near future when I learn more about riging and IK…but if anyone is interested in lending a hand you are more than welcome to give it a try, just PM me and I’ll arrange to send the .blend file.

So here’s what I did today, hope you guys like it.

BTW, I want to thank ALL of you who have viewed this thread so far and have stuck around, can’t believe that it has reached 2.6k views :eek:…thanks


Having a bit of fun!!! :smiley: In the 2 hours I had available today.

So from this (LOL didn’t noticed I had Brazil’s flag in there):

To THIS…:cool:


UPDATE: things don’t seem to be moving fast enough, but I began the arduous process of making all the textures for the model. Also I began to render another turntable animation for you guys, but so far it’s taken a bit over 10 hour for 100 frames of a 250 frames animation, it’s got me :spin:!!! LOL

I sooo wish I had a better PC that can render much faster :frowning: or at least have a couple of PC’s @ my disposal to Network Render :D…anywho here’s a small preview of where the model is at:

BTW, this image works great as a desktop background in a 1920x1080 screen…just saying!!! :wink:


Well guys, after many many many many hours of rendering I finally made the turntable as promised…so have a look and tell me what you think… http://vimeo.com/95032521


Still not a fancy production and a bit “choppy” for my likings, but besides learning Blender I am learning Premiere CS4 for future productions :wink:

** EDIT: turntable not completely 360 degrees for some unkown reason…grrrrr Sorry **

*** NEW EDIT: replaced the video in Vimeo, just give it time to process ***

**** NEWEST EDIT: Vimeo has finished processing, sorry if it’s not of the best quality :frowning: ****

Hello, I just have found this thread following your visitor message!
Observing your posts here from the first to the last one I can say that you did a significant progress!
The geometry is cleaned, and the number of details is growing. I especially like the landing gear!

Thanks Witold, much appreciated your comment.

I really got caught up with the landing gears’ details…I really enjoyed it!

Finally, I’ve cracked the rigging for the Main gear’s drag brace…lot of work, but got it. It’s not elegant nor easy to use but it works, so hopefully in the near future I’ll have the whole of the landing gears rigged.

Again, not a major production, but getting better at it [wink] [wink]…LOL…here you can see it working :smiley: http://vimeo.com/96502727

PS. the gear on the last scene is just for reference as it looked as if it was the camera moving and not the actual brace

Hiya guys!!!

I hope I can soon have a new turntable video of the F-16 with some minor adjustments, like Nav lights and a few more moving parts and fully textured…any livery that you guys would like to see, let me know or PM me.

I can say that I’m close to call this a finished project. Thanks for the interest in either commenting or following it or at least popping in to have a look.

BTW I wish to say thanks in advance to all the guys @ SheepIt renderfarm for helping out on the render of a test footage [Thumbs Up], otherwise it would have taken me ages to do the render, I don’t want to add the link just in case it goes against the rules of the Forum, sorry guy

Wicked man, wicked! Keep it up!

If you’re having trouble rendering scenes you can use RayPump, it’s a render farm where you can use some of the features for free. All the plane renders on my plane forum are rendered from there as well as my Battlefield 3D emblems. You don’t even have to install it on your computer, all you do is install it in blender as an add-on. It’s all explained on the website. Really great tool.

Good luck!

Thanks coolfield7 for the tip…I’m having a go at RayPump as well, only rubbish thing is where I live it has a really S#@$t Internet connection (U:0.13Mbps, D:0.89Mbps) @ best of times…grrrrr :mad: Mostly is because where I live the Gov’nt has down throttled all the Internet as we are undergoing major political issues and civil revolts, so they are controlling speeds to avoid Twitter and other social media communications.

To give you an idea, just did a test render with RayPump against local Cycle render and by the time I finished uploading the local cycle render had done aprox 70%

***UPDATE: just finished the RP render and it was a close finish with the local Render although I must admit that the results are faster, granted if the user has a faster Internet connection, so great tool to have ***

That sucks man :frowning: I hope everything gets better there. Yea, you need a decent internet connection for it to work properly. The farm renders it in a matter of seconds and depending on your connection the upload and download happens in a few seconds as well.

Thanks man!! if things continue as they are, I reckon I’ll get myself a carrier pigeon to send my stuff to places where the Internet is faster…LOL

LOLOLOL. Hope things get better.