Elpis The Game (Infinite Procedural Terrain - VIDEO)

Wow! I love the lighting and shading on his skin! Can’t wait to see that guy in action :slight_smile:

looks good, i see a future on this game.

Thanks guys I’m very glad that you’re all enjoying my work.
And here’s the final horse armor:


WOW another awesome game model!

You could send durian a model of a dragon… Are you sure the game won’t crash with the amount of verticies you have?

First of all thats really low poly so I don’t see how it could possibly crash the game engine. Second, I don’t think Durian is looking for low poly game models to use in a short film… and I know I wouldn’t send my work I’m using in MY game off to some other people to use in their project.

I couldn’t put it better myself
Thx Dawisch

more updates on the horse armor
vote 5 stars :smiley: on the thread if you think that my project is coming along nicely
thank you all


this game really deserves a 5 stars hehe i mean i always forget to vote in ppls thread ¬¬ ,this is usually called Brain damage lol ^^
the last updates look sick tho 4 realz !!!
Gratz and sorry bout the redundancy…
Kind regards,

Looks blury, but good :smiley:

Good looking horse and armor. Although the front part of the armor could be a little higher so it covers the “chest” of the horse. Also it looks like the horse has some hard time seeing behind the "helmet. And finally, the armor seems like it’s just standing there. There doesn’t seem to be anything holding it at place. You could add some leather straps or something like that to make it more realistic.

Fair enough I’ll work on it

Really nice, many improvements since last I looked, I will rate it now.

dude that looks awesome, for some eason it kinda reminds me of oblivion. i think you should try to put a few bushes and stuff for depth, and it would be pretty cool if it a a bloom effect

Very impressive already!! Sure, things like AI and battle animation could be better but what is there is looking good. Love the horse animations.

Hey guys check out the new video on the game
The vimeo one has a higher resolution

Youtube Link

Vimeo Link

Please feedback

Very nice animations! Mounting the horse and swimming are great!
Day/Night cycle is great addition to the game atmosphere.
Overall graphic is impressive!
You have the same problem as mine with the right shoulder, when shooting arrows.It looks unnatural.
Fighting animations are very cool,but somehow not intense enough.
You should work more on the game menu.For a game like that, it should look more magical, maybe add cool frames and background elements or something.

Your graphic is great.I wanna see more…:slight_smile:

Thanks Haidme
Your comment is very precious to me, since you’re game inspired me to make my own adventure RPG game, I’ll try to fix our shoulder problem, and if you have any idea for the menus or a game reference that I could check, I’d really enjoy.

Thx again

Hi Nweissberg,
proffessional stuff,really impressive and for the menus i would put a frame around the borders and add some transparency where the writtings are…i also would put the graphics settings so ppl would ajust it according to theyr pc specs!
The game looks amazing and i have nothing to comment about it as i am noob but i believe that theres not much to do!
Kind regards,

Wowie, zowie! This is awesome! Don’t feel rushed, but do you intend to release a demo? Just wondering, five stars.