Elpis The Game (Infinite Procedural Terrain - VIDEO)

dude i really like the new fighting animation

really impressive. great work man. gameplay reminds me of oblivion
5 stars

Thanks guys I hope to soon post a new video

I’m making this for the community, and when It’s done I’ll make many video tutorial
Take care
And once again thx for the support

Awesome mano!
ill be defenetly anxious bout ur tuts :smiley:
and thanks in advance for sharing brother!

Nice game!
Great job

Parabéns pelo trabalho! Se Sintel for virar um jogo você poderia dar uma boa ajuda para o pessoal do Blender Institute…

Fiquei curioso sobre alguns assuntos como por exemplo:

  • Como salvar as informações do jogo?
  • Com você fez para pausar o jogo quando você abre o menu?
  • Como fazer o personagem montar no cavalo?

Mal posso esperar pelos tutoriais. Só uma coisa que eu achei que poderia melhorar é que a batalha corpo-a-corpo é um tanto lenta, mas não deixa de ser incrível! Outra coisa que me deixou animado foi o fato de ser um brasileiro o criador desse belo jogo.

Uma última coisa, tem como você disponibilizar o .blend nesse site aqui: http://www.blendswap.com/ isso seria ótimo, pois assim todos poderiam estudar o arquivo e quem usa linux (eu) pode fazer o port facilmente…

Parabéns e tudo de bom.


=======================in English =======================

Congratulations for the work! If Sintel is going to have a game edition you would probably be a nice help to the Blender Institute team…

I’m curious about some topics:

  • How do you save the game data?
  • How did you pause the game while in the menu?
  • How did you made him ride the horse?

I can’t wait for the tutorials. The only thing I think that could be better is the infighting, It could be a bit faster, but it still awesome! An other thing that makes me happy is that the creator of this game is a Brazilian!

One last thing, is it possible that you publish the .blend here: http://www.blendswap.com/ That would be great because like this everybody can study your game and who uses Linux (me) can easily make the port.

Best wishes,

Hello forum I’ve just posted a new update on YouTube check it out

Looks awesome, only sad it is in your language…

Great video.

Great stuff tho/Belo trabalho…hmmm nao quero te contar mas eu acho que fui o primeiro a olhar esta update hahah tava la vendo uns tutoriais dai me deparo com o seu nick do forum resolvi ver e pirei …falei putz o jogo do cara ta ficando muito massa!! parabens brother :smiley:
hmmm i dun wanna say this but i think i was the first to watch ur update coz i was checking for some tutorials then i suddenly looked at ur forum’s nick name and after i clicked on that i was like Wow this game is getting wicked kool hehe…congratz brother
Abrços ,regards,
PS:senseless text above but as usual i write on threads in a rush so dont bother ppl ^^

(AVISO: Esta mensagem era para ser escrita a 2 dias atras quando entrei pela ultima vez na net)
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affffss… eu totalmente viajei no sentido literal da palavra quando disse que ja havia visto este video…bem na realidade eu vi outro video mais antigo mas maneirissimo…agora nossa sem comentarios este novo video cara ficou SENSACIONAL meus parabens e seu futuro tenho certeza que será brilhante!!! a skill dele ficou muuuito massa cara e agora nao lembro de cabeça pq so vi o video a 2 dias atras e agora ta mei tarde pra ver mas lembro dos movimentos dele e outras skills alem daquela shiny lá e ficou lido!! novamente parabens brother e continue com o bom desempenho :d

WOw i was completely tripping my b*** off literaly when i said that i had already seen ur new update…well actually that video was an older one but it looked dope anyways…now maan this new video kicks ass i mean SENSATIONAL STUFF,congratulations and im sure ull have a brilhant future ahead…the new skills look simple off the hook tho,i cant remmember now bout all of the new features but i know that his new moves and skills are just as kool as the shiny one hehe…gratz again and keep up the good work :wink:
Kind regards,

@ShortkeyFmeout2 Thank you very much bro xD
I made this new video with all my friends and followers in mind
but even as you read this post, the game is being perfected and worked on
I’ve already changed and fixed alot of bugs and glitches
so I hope to post something even greater on my next video

Muito obrigado ^-^

WOW It looks good :smiley: Can’t wait to play it

Hi Nweissberg,
Nice, and im looking forward to see more :smiley:
i was also wondering where in Rio you are taking blender classes?
Thanks in advance,

Hello shortK I’m not from Rio I’m from São Paulo and I never took blender classes just studied on my own xD
But I used to teach UDK (unreal development kit) on an informatics school called S.A.G.A.

OH how nice :smiley:
i asked you that coz we usually have 3d schools in Rio and hmmm yeah actually in Sao Paulo too lol…anyways ,im close to start developing the character s skills in my Game WIP(which i havent posted any progress yet coz i didnt find it convenient yet its too early hehe but soon .blend files will be available in my first wip thread)…so back on track ,considering im off to start the skills development after my character texture s done, again i was wondering how u created that skill ? you know the shiny one ? did u use particles or how did u animate it? did u use ipcurves or shape modifier?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the bunch of questions ^^
All the best,

Elpis seems very fun and memorable Zelda 64 and World of Warcraft. This game is coming along nicely also must carry the burden alone . Of course, I do not doubt your ability, you have certainly proven he can get.

thank you very much Alphose, but I’m no doing this alone. I’d never be able to carry this out by myself. I have to thank every single person that commented on the forum and on YouTube, because without you guys I’d never come this far. Your moral support is without a doubt the best help I could get.

So once again thank you all

I didn’t have the chance to comment on your game … here goes:
Parabens, um dos jogos mais estaveis e bem pensados da comunidade. (Congrats, one of the most stables and well thougth games in the community)
I like the whole design you guys have done, and hope to see more improvements. I watched the vids before, and have to say that would prefer the enemys to be a bit more aggressive and deffensive. I mean, they just seem to want to kill without thinking of defending. I understand that it’s all been worked, but, challenging enemys make a game more interesting!
Boa sorte, e um abraço.

Your video with game show us a good game .
More of this people with view that , but is something we can do .
We can test the game .
If you don’t want sell the game, than is very important to give others the opportunity to see how you managed to do this game.