CAD Snap Utilities

New video:

amazing addon… I hope you can add two something like:1. specify the rotation in the line tool 2. draw the line in the “overlapping” meshes (for example you can choose the number of layers to affect )good job again!!1best

Thank @YHOYO, good suggestions. I’ll see what I can do. :slight_smile:
But I must say that these implementations are complex.

1.4 – Solved rare problems when splits an edge with point near a vertex
1.5 – Reworked length calculation
1.6 – Solved interception problem with parallel lines in restriction mode in orthogonal view
1.7 – Disables constrain “shift” after orbiting the 3d view.
1.8 – bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message=“Add an undo step function may be moved”)
1.9 - add a vertice where the lines intersect

Remove the previous version first

Very thanks, nice …
demo works, but full version 1.7 doesn’t work by this way.

Also, do you think, would be possible in the future
to move selections of the vertex in edit mode
by snapping?


@jachtarfranko, the full version will be updated soon. You will receive a copy by Email. :slight_smile:

Prevejo que a produtividade em achiviz decole. Muito bom, parabéns

Thank you very much for thid amazing tool

Obrigado @jaceguay. Eu espero que o Blender invista na produção archiviz. E que os desenvolvedores deem atenção a essa modalidade. :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Novo Vídeo :):

New Updates:
2.0 - setting the preference “intersect” in addon preferences.
2.1 - Zoon to snap position in Orthogonal view
2.2 - replaced UnProject for Scene.ray_cast (more accurate and slightly faster).
2.3 - setting the preferences “Snap Colors” in addon preferences.

One of the most notable changes is the possibility of customizing the Addon:

Went ahead and purchased this and only have a 1.4 development version!

As cad user I must say: it’s absolutely necessary to have this is Blender :slight_smile:

Can the snap utility undo a point and make multi points ?

This is strange. I updated the addon on Blender Market site too. I’ll send an email with the updated version. Wait a second.

To undo the last line created. Just press Ctrl + Z in Edit mode. In Object mode Ctrl + Z will undo all the lines created during the last use of the operator.
To continue the line tool but not draw a line, press the LMB once. To finalize press the LMB twice.

Awesome stuff!!
That’s works the way I like the most))
We were trying to get this via Sideshift and 3Dmatch some time ago. Can be useful.
Hopes, we will release whole 1D_Scripts officially one day…

Wooow :eek:. Great tools, I downloaded the script. It’s a different way of doing the same things as the MOVE and ROTATE tools in the Addon Snap Utilities. (With some advantages)
I also liked the Blender Theme used on the vídeos :D.

Yes,yes,yes-intuitive, Sketchup-like approach-thats it !
Thank you Master ! ))