CAD Snap Utilities

Dos not work with the lite version :frowning:

It should work. Did you do right?
If you are using a version prior to 2.3, remove that version and install the newer:

Thank you @bluecd

Same with this one when pressing CTRL+Z

@pitiwazou, I know what’s going on. You need to finalize the tool, first (LMB twice or Enter). There then press Ctrl + Z.By pressing Z while using the tool, you are enabling constrain Z.
But I’ll make some edits here to avoid this confusion.
Thanks You.

@pitiwazou, The update is now available :slight_smile: . (In the first post)
The UNDO operation work while LINE tool is acting.

@pitiwazou, the update is now available :slight_smile: . (In the first post)
The UNDO operation work while LINE tool is acting.

I updated the addon in first post. But it had a bug. Now I updated again. Those who downloaded before reading this post. Download again. Sorry.

The UNDO operation work while LINE tool is acting.

Great !! Thank you :wink:

With the last version, my Pc crashed ! Same for a friend of mine.


I have found that if you draw two lines on different faces using the intersect bollean but do not intersect, this causes an infinite loop. I think this is the problem.

If you have one of these versions: 2.0 to 2.4. Please upgrade to version 2.6. An important bug fix was made.


2.4 - The UNDO operation work while LINE tool is acting.
2.5 - ‘location_3d_to_region_2d’ returns a Vector value if the coordinates refer to a point behind the origin of a perspective view.
2.6 - fixed pc crash when you try to split a face with a line whose previous point is not connected to faces.

The download is in the first post.

Thanks mano-wii. I dont know why but I cannot get the new version to install. It will not show up with the addons. so I installed the old one again and that one
works. So I am not able to update. Any idea what this can be?

I put the Addon on github to share updates in less time.

Anyway, download here the version 3.0 :slight_smile:

2.7 - replaced for bpy.ops.view3d.select_or_deselect_all(), resulting in an extensive cleanup in the code
2.9 - Replaced Unproject in face selected for ‘intersect_line_plane’ (fewer calculations and more accurate)

Great Tool! i would vote for trunk to combine it with the existing knife tool.
Anyway, thx you!

Thanks @mkbreuer :).
The 3.0 version of the addon is available. In addition to an extensive cleanup in the code and bug fixes, we have:
3.0 - Constrain related to the previous point (if it exists).

This is a good addition, since the constrain ‘shift’ can now be used to draw parallel lines.


hi mano-wii, do you think it would be possible to add function for creating new object?
Maybe like in this script?


Yes, I can do (that script shows how to). I’ll make a version for testing and post here. If I like and have a good acceptance, will be definitive in the addon. :slight_smile:

Here it is:
3.2.test - If have not a active object, or the active object is not in edit mode, it creates a new object.


Hooo this is great, can you add faces ?

I think it will be really usefull in retopo to make faces.

Like this.

Maybe when pressing Shift to keep the current behavior.