Blender Bad Defaults (defaults that should be changed)

Terminology need to be figured out and then left alone. I do not care if you call it transparent or opaque, start up file or default settings. Just make up my mind.

+1. also, some form of smarter naming of autosave files would be great. When I open 1343.blend, at the top of the window, it is named My_project[recovered].blend. It obviously knows the name of the file, why hide it?

agree with this, though I’d argue that having every material (not just emission) having MIS enabled by default might be a good one to reconsider. Sure, it doesn’t effect anything for non-emissive materials, and it can really help clean up noise under certain lighting conditions, But it can create issues when you have too many materials with MIS enabled. I’d say it’s better to leave MIS as an option, not the default.

A few more …

Set 3D cursor by actionmouse+alt.
Render settings: make the output size 100%, not 50%
Give the edge-, vertex- and facemode a regular hotkey. The user should not need to hunt for a way to add a hotkey here. It’s an often used feature.
Make the undocumented menu for edge vertex and face select obsolete (shift+tab in edit mode), and add a way to change the hotkeys in the regular buttons in the bottom menu.
Give mark and clear seams a regular hotkey. The user should not need to hunt for a way to add a hotkey here. It’s an often used feature.
Collapse the tabs in the sidebars and in the properties window.
Rename Properties sidebar into Settings sidebar. We have already a Properties window. Two similar names is confusing.

And +1 for LMB select. Obviously every argument for RMB select can be used for LMB select too. And you can switch to LMB select in Blender already without any harm. What remains is the standard out there. And this standard is LMB select.

Feature request: Make 3D cursor hideable.

Lmb select noooooooo

Whilst most of the rest is personal opinion (though I disagree with it), this is just confirmation & selection bias. That there are people in this forum that got over it only proves that it is not a deterrent to those people. By definition, people here are those that stuck with Blender and so using them to prove it’s not the deterrent for those that didn’t stick with Blender is patently irrational.

The people on these forums that got over the issue of LMB vs RMB to select (or didn’t find it an issue) are just as anecdotal as those who that quit and mentioned it here & elsewhere.

Which is why the personal preference of long-term users shouldn’t be a factor when deciding which is best. Once you are comfortable changing the defaults to what you like, personal preference fails to be a hindrance. They know where the settings are, they know how to change them, they even know that if they click the button they think should select and it instead moves a weird crosshair around the screen, what that means and how to “fix” it.

Defaults should consider what new users are used to coming from a world where some standards, whether they are liked or not by die-hard Blenderheads, exist & are followed by most software applications with similar operations (in & out of the graphics domain).

I think Blender is awesome software with a great interface made avalable to all, and you can customize the user settings and save them. How cool is that. And I don’t have to pay a dime. and if I wanted I could learn code and add to it like that. How many of the other software bundles can you change add to, or even call your own? :slight_smile:

I have been a computer tech since 1986, I think it is one of the best dynamic software out ther.
But this is only my opinion.

:slight_smile: Good blending.

I agree with LMB select for those that want it after you sort the 3 button mouse emulation - the current set up switched to lmb select is not as consistent as it needs to be, but I would have to try Michael’s set up.

Just to bring it up so we don’t generalize - not all graphics packages use lmb for select as in select is on the lmb initially. Adobe programs have to be told what tool to use, and selection is a separate tool that is initialized and then used with the lmb, unlike 3d software that uses selection on the mouse button immediately. Whatever the setting ends up for the user, I do appreciate the ability to select on one button and act on another instead of pressing keys to start the selection, and then pressing a key to use a brush or primitive addition tool, etc. I find myself pressing G to grab selections in Illustrator and accidentally setting a gradient :smiley:

I like a lot of the suggestions here, interesting stuff.

Zoom to cursor is standard not only in 3D packages, it is also used in all CAD applications, image editors, vector graphics editors and simple OS image viewers. Can you please confirm that it is not standard in Autodesk software (3DS, Maya) because all the applications I use here zoom is relative to cursor position by default except from Blender.

Thats endi, so the translation is something like this:

all blender defaults suck for him, he doesnt use blender.

I totaly agree with that one intensitty to 1 and default color value to 0.8 from 0.906 so it will be similar to cycles

Defaults should be for new users only.

New users use the LMB not the RMB, so when they open blender they are confusing and close it right away.
Blender users know’s they can change it, so put the LMB in select is a good choice.

  1. set the glass color intensity to 1 too.

As someone who uses LMB for select I know this one might sound a bit hypocritical but I would say leave RMB for select. Switching for RMB to LMB is inconsistent at the moment in Blender and you do run into issue here and there.

I recall one incident where my using LMB select interfered setting keys in the graph editor, it got reported and changed. But let’s just say Blending is smoother when RMB is select.

What about making the “reset to default value” option work properly? 90% of the time it goes back to “0” instead of the default.

Many are not aware of what LMB for selection means.
It means a lot of reworking on key mapping. To just change it in preference, is an illusion.
OK, it could be great to just check LMB for selection, only if this could edit lot of other keys, automatically.
It isn’t a key mapping, it is a mode.
BTW this is my opinion on the blender UI.
Make it consistent. Don’t hack it.

As someone who uses LMB for select I know this one might sound a bit hypocritical but I would say leave RMB for select. Switching for RMB to LMB is inconsistent at the moment in Blender and you do run into issue here and there.

The biggest issue is RMB select since every new user runs into it.

I also don’t know what issues you talk about. I use Blender with LMB select since years just fine. And i didn’t need to remap my keys for that.

That would conflict with the 3button mouse preference…

I am testing 3d cursor on double-click (lmb) since a few weeks, and so far it’s really cool. Frees LMB for other stuff such as box select or so.

True, I did not have CAD applications and image viewers in mind when I wrote my previous message. Though I can confirm that Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage and Mudbox does not have it turned on by default.

I’ve been using this configuration for a while, it does work super good. I keep the box select on right mouse tweak to keep all my selection tools on the right for added consistency. I also moved the lasso select to right click as well, because it seems super inconsistent to have some selection tools be on lmb and some on rmb.