Blender Bad Defaults (defaults that should be changed)

This is a relative phrase. HDD access speeds are much slower than reading from ram, but compression algorithms take quite a while to compress extensive data sets. Therefore, it’s never a simple A is faster than B statement

check the last post page two of this thread, the one i mentioned that got fixed is in an old thread on humane rigging search for my posts in that thread, the were some others animation related ones IIRC for example scrubbing the timeline stays on RMB select.

Also don’t forget that a lot of documentation e.t.c is written from the perspective of RMB select. change that in the default and wiki manual is going to need a lot of rewriting that is also a side of blender that has very few community volunteers taking care of things. That humane rigging one happened because I was following a tutorial written with the assumption of RMB as select.

Default texture: clouds==> image or movie
coordinates: generated==>UV

I’d like if image sizes could be set without typing to 512, 2048 etc
vertex/edge/face select should be mapped to 1/2/3 in edit mode by default (when i set those sometime they reset)
Find sme other shortcut in place of shift+ctrl+alt+c… really… I use this often

Align to view : bad idea until we get better snapping to grid, because it’s a huge amount of work to align an object to the world axes once it’s become unaligned. Having it come in unaligned just wastes time, especially for new users.

default UV: Also for new users this means that they have to know how to unwrap in order to even see a texture. Combined with default image instead of a procedural, this guarantees a huge increase in 'Help, my object is all purple, what do I do posts."

vertex/edge/face select should be mapped to 1/2/3 in edit mode by default (when i set those sometime they reset)

This is saved in startup file AND for each screen, it’s confusing but you have to do it for each ‘window’ in your startup file and then they won’t switch.

Fill opacity by UVW-layout-export to 0, Who needs semi transparent faces in his UVW-stencil

LMB thumbs up , never had issues with the gizmo,
in Blender you never need to use this ultra slow solution …

check the last post page two of this thread, the one i mentioned that got fixed is in an old thread on humane rigging search for my posts in that thread, the were some others animation related ones IIRC for example scrubbing the timeline stays on RMB select.

Yes. It is inconsistent. And definitely needs to be fixed at one point. But it is no issue in kind of “you have to use RMB or it breaks”. That one should definitely not stop you from making LMB select to default.

Also don’t forget that a lot of documentation e.t.c is written from the perspective of RMB select. change that in the default and wiki manual is going to need a lot of rewriting that is also a side of blender that has very few community volunteers taking care of things. That humane rigging one happened because I was following a tutorial written with the assumption of RMB as select.

The documentation is not bound to the right mouse as the select mouse. It is written from the view of the select mouse and the action mouse. Which is by default RMB select, and can be switched to LMB select. At least that’s how it should ideally be. The manual is simply faulty where it explicitely talks about RMB select.

That the manual has not enough volunteers is of course an issue. But it is not the issue of the Blender Defaults. You fit the tutorials and the manual to the software, not vice versa.

And i am pretty sure that the manual and the tutorials will pick up pretty quick the LMB select.

Originally Posted by Tiles

[QUOTE]A few more …

Set 3D cursor by actionmouse+alt.

That would conflict with the 3button mouse preference…[/QUOTE]

Not sure what you mean. It does not conflict here.

I don’t mind RMB select at all, I got used to it, but LMB for placing the cursor is not ideal. Most time I spend with the cursor is to put it back to the center because I accidentaly misclicked with LMB. But if I do want to move it I usually want to snap it to selelction… and most of the time I want to do that is to move an origin… really there should be an easier way for that.

when you have the “emulate three button mouse” preference enabled then alt action mouse orbits the view… just like modo and lightwave…

Ah, i see. Thanks. Haven’t thought about emulating :slight_smile:

Hm. To place the 3D cursor should be limited by a keyboard button though. You set it too often by accident when it’s just the mouse button. Any idea for a free combination?

Double click works really well. It’s pretty rare to doubleclick accidentally.

if LMB select was just a check on the prefs…
In fact it was the first I tried to fix.
It isn’t so, it conflicts with lot of other functions.
So, some work has to be done by the devs.
Preferences that conflict each other. Nice. A major bug IMO.
One of the bugs you don’t dare to report. Be my guest LOL
We’re talking about the default preferences. What preferences?

can you tell what the conflicts with LMB-Selection are?
Never came cross with any.

Read the thread please.
The last two pages.
I came across with many.
There are more.
Example. I always keep load UI OFF.
It is “my” default setting.
Every time I save a blend in GLSL mode, I have to reset it again when re loading.
GLSL as it stands, is a UI element. Quite inconsistent if my opinion counts.
So, I can chose LMB selection losing 3 button mouse emulator.
I can chose not loading UI, losing lot of time resetting rendering modes.
There are more.
My point, we shouldn’t ask to change the “default” settings.
We should ask for a little more consistent preferences design first.

Here’s an idea.
There are some issues with right click select (Inconsistency, intuition, etc) and there are some issues with left click select (3D Manipulator, for example). I think we could bring the best of both worlds here and avoid the issues.
Make both, Left click and right click, for selection! mind blow

Basically, left click would act like in any other software - Left click is select, left click drag is box select, left click on empty space - deselect all.
Right click would act as it does now - Right click select, right click drag - move.
This kind of setup would feel natural for old time users - Nothing would change for them.
And it would feel natural for the new users, because left click would act exactly the way they expect it to.

The Double click for the cursor idea seems ok… kinda… But how’s about this:
Double click could bring a selection menu that is related to the object under the mouse, with options as “Select linked, Select grouped, select same type, select similar… etc” - seems intuitive - As you kinda do that on text, when you try to select the whole word, for example.

Nice idea, but i guess this will not work ^^

Example. I always keep load UI OFF.
It is “my” default setting.
Every time I save a blend in GLSL mode, I have to reset it again when re loading.

At the downside: I cannot reproduce your behaviour here. I also have Load UI unticked. And use the left mouse for select. There must be some more steps involved. Or i still misunderstand the problem. Have you reported the behaviour already? Is it known?

Anyways, this definitely sounds like a bug. And bugs or quirks shouldn’t stop us to make LMB select to default. Having RMB select is still the bigger issue. Stopping generations of new users right at the start. And not only at the start. I use Blender since years, but i could never work with RMB select.

My point, we shouldn’t ask to change the “default” settings.
We should ask for a little more consistent preferences design first.

In my opinion we should do both. Make LMB select default. And having LMB select will raise the pressure to fix the quirks with it. While keeping RMB as the standard will just keep the status quo.

In my opinion we should do both. Make LMB select default. And having LMB select will raise the pressure to fix the quirks with it. While keeping RMB as the standard will just keep the status quo.

And my opinion is to fix the behaviors first so that it is not such a big deal when changed. Here is an example: set your LMB for selection, then set up to paint a cube in Texture Paint, using Face Selection Masking. Press A to deselect, and then use your LMB to select a face to start painting - but you can’t, you need to use C to bring up circle brush select to get that done. Simple example of why just switching to lmb as default is not the best plan of action. Best is to actually fix these kinds of problems and then it won’t matter to old rmb users like me.

Yeah, in theory i agree. But these issues are known since how long? And nothing changes …

I would agree if there were an actual impetus to fix the problems with LMB select. If we take the length of time such issues have stuck around as an indication of their priority, it’s not looking positive. Looking at the situation with a critical eye, it’s not hard to conclude that the current focus on LMB vs RMB is reluctant & based on a user community reaction to Andrew Price’s videos & speech on user interface standards. It’s not like the development community is all over this because they’re excited about getting it right.

With this in mind and the fact that LMB-to-select is far more standard than the RMB-to-select option Blender is making a default, it is my opinion that we should make LMB-to-select default and fix problems that arise with that. I really do believe that without the pressure this option selects, the LMB-to-select issues will remain unfixed and, so long as that is the case, this will be used as an excuse not to make the change.

I don’t know what are you talking about. It is the same debate than zoom to cursor. With “align to view” and “zoom to cursor” it is the user who takes control of what the program is doing because it all depends on your viewpoint and your mouse position, and you can still aling to the world new objects with orthoviews and make your zoom in/out centered to the viewport by placing the cursor on the fricking middle of the screen.

Placing objects always aligned to the global orthoplanes makes Blender what it is now, a 3D modelling software too much dependant/fixed on them. Also my point is that in the past we had this default (aligntoview) and it was changed from one Blender version to another without any debate or input from the community. I wonder how other software deals with it. In fact there should be another option to place meshes aligned to a local space, now users should use align view to selection/align new mesh to view. But alas in Blender there is not a real concept of local space except from local coords.

If you place an new mesh and it is not aligned to a particular plane, just change your viewpoint! For me global orthoplanes are as relevant as any other plane in my virtual modelling space.