{Alpha Demo} BGE project seeks volunteers

Thanks Gally, this is another great addition to this project. The shadows in this screenshot are not too bad, we will be using very simple shadows to maximize performance. Post the blend and I will take a look. Don’t worry too much about the format, I will convert whichever format you use.

Fern3.blend (717 KB) Floating Fern blend

I checked the blend but the fern isn’t there, what am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help

FloatingFern.blend (721 KB) Try this again.

I think I’m supposed to do something with the texture images when I save it so that it goes with the file?

FloatingFern.blend (721 KB)I really don’t know what I’m doing.

Well, I managed to get the fern part but not the sprout. Sorry

You need to pack the textures, file->external data->automatically pack into blend

FloatingFern.blend (1.09 MB) Thanks CaptainAndrew, hope it works this time.

Quick moderation note: The Jobs forums are for offers of work. This thread has really become a WIP thread. If you’d like to continue discussing this project, please create a new thread in the appropriate forum (most likely Game Engine > Team Projects) or create a Community Group for the project.

My apologies, everyone please post any response to this thread in the team project thread found in my signature.

This project is still alive and progressing, please let me know if you would like to help with asset creation.

We are getting close to completing our alpha demo and could use a few more volunteers. We are also holding a state machine event to see who can come up with the “best” state machine. The winner will have their entry included in the alpha demo. Let me know if you are interested.

We are still looking for concept artists and modelers to help us complete our asset list. We are nearly done with the core mechanics and any concepts completed before then will be included in the alpha. Please let me know if you would like to help.

This will be the final call for the state machine event. If anyone wants to participate, please say so in the team thread in my signature.

Now that the BGMC 13 has ended, the state machine event can begin. The rules are simple; Use the template provided to create a state machine. Each entry must replicate the features found in the template. You can modify the template and submit it as your entry. The winner will be decided by the participants, based on its simplicity and modularity. The winning entry will be used as the core movement mechanic for this entire project. A game manual is included for reference, however feel free to ask any questions you may have. The event begins now, and will run until September 12th. Do your best and have fun!

TP_FP template.blend

I am still working on the HUD mechanic and could use some help with getting our asset list complete. Let me know if you would like to do some modelling or concept design.

This project is still active and needs volunteers for 2D concept art. PM me if you want to help.

Merry Christmas!, we are slowly getting this project done but we still need help. Check out the latest developments over at the project page and let me know if you would like to help.

I have completed a working demo of the HUD mechanic and we are now ready to publish an alpha release! Let me know if you would like to help.