[Addon] Layer manager for Blender 2.63a

hi, really cool addon :slight_smile:

The old layer manager by 4mm was not continued in 2.5/6 series. only a prototype that didn’t go anywhere.

This addon is for layer management in the 3dview.

@ Anfeo, Are you interested in developing this in svn?

Yes, but I’m not developer, this is only a script that use function of Blender.

Now you have a checkbox to use the classic layer selection.

I’ve add this function because I’m working on new function (bone layer and layer group).
Stay tuned ;).

Thanks for the update, Anfeo.

Did you ever figure out how to see if a bone layer has bones on it? Was it the UserID thing?

I started with my own layer manager called “Magic Layer”
for unlimited layers (placed in Scene-Panel)

today i add gui elements to blender
i can add/del and setup items (name, layers)
everything else do not work:

add, del, show all, hide all, update and assign (active objects to layer)

WOW, TS, this is super cool! This is what I was hoping for! This is what we actrually need! looking forward for your script!

TS1234, I’d love a layer manager to be in Scene panel, it’s the right place for this stuff, indeed.

I’ll keep following both your projects, guys, you’re filling a Blender hole, and an important one for sure.

Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Edit: TS1234, will it be possible to show/hide a single layer with your add-on? Is this the purpose of the tick sign on each layer raw, or is it to enabl/disable editing?


I am using win 2.63-r47100-mingw64.
I got this error below.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C: ools\blender\blender-2.63-r47100-mingw64\2.63\scripts\addons_extern\Layer1_1.py”, line 516, in draw
if context.object.layers[i]:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘layers’

location:<unknown location>:-1

bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(view_align=False, enter_editmode=False, location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))

Thank you.

Can you show me the operation tha you have done?
Do you use a test Blender Version?

I’m working on layer group manager:

Anfeo, Thank you for your persistence in this project. I know you receive requests for features and changes, but an appreciation for your contribution should always be offered.

I really like how this add-on is shaping up, but just can’t stand to keep N-panel always open.

I even tried to make a “fake” 3D window on the top right and resize it to show just the panel with this add-on, but Blender don’t like a 3D window without actual geometry and the result is not pleasant to view nor efficient. :frowning:

That happens for both official release 2.63a and test builds.
As soon as start Blender, it generates an error.

▼This error message is from 2.63a. (Layer1_1.py)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C: ools\blender\blender-2.63a-release-windows64\2.63\scripts\addons_extern\Layer1_1.py”, line 516, in draw
if context.object.layers[i]:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘layers’

location:<unknown location>:-1

▼This is from 2.63-r47100-mingw64. (Layer1_3.py)

test build Layer1_3.py
after open

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C: ools\blender\blender-2.63-r47100-mingw64\2.63\scripts\addons_extern\Layer1_3.py”, line 674, in draw
if context.object.layers[i]:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘layers’

location:<unknown location>:-1

And just after pressing a lock button.
▼2.63-r47100-mingw64. (Layer1_3.py)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C: ools\blender\blender-2.63-r47100-mingw64\2.63\scripts\addons_extern\Layer1_3.py”, line 301, in execute
groups = scene.layergroups[index].layer_groups
IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 0 out of range, size 0

location:<unknown location>:-1

Very great plugin indeed! Thank you!
As many others I would however prefer if it was in a panel of its own or in the scene panel. No biggie for now however as we can work around this with a separate 3d viewport as you suggested.

@ mill:
I’ve found the bug, this version is better, change log on the blog:

@ animationista:
I will try a new location, but if you aren’t in 3dview contex, you don’t have script update when you move the object on the layer (with key “M”) or active o disactive a layer in 3dview

Now it works perfectly.
Thank you.

bump, hi any updates?
Also, I would like to put this very useful addon in Blender Contrib svn.
It’s preferable that you join here: http://projects.blender.org/
then submit your addon here: http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=browse&group_id=153&atid=467

However, if you don’t have time for this I am happy to ‘Sponsor’ the addon & maintain it in svn on your behalf.
If you could let me know what you would like done, I would like to put this in Blender Contrib soon :slight_smile:

Tanks, I will do soon.

done :smiley:

Grazie mille, Anfeo.
I tried first time your addon yesterday, and now I already wonder how I could manage without it !