[Addon] Layer manager for Blender 2.63a

tanks, I hope that the script going in the trunk.

layers with names, indispensable for big projects… thanks a lot!

@anfeo: your addon is useful for me from two reasons:

  • naming
  • layer groups

As user feedback:

Layer Groups - it would be more intuitive and faster just select name from the list and get result in “Layer Management” instead of clicking to an eye button. Also it’s totally uncomfortable if addon doesn’t disable all visible layers first. Like now layers in goup are just added to already visible layers. So if layers 1-5 are visible, and layer group use layers 1-3 you don’t see any changes, you need to deselect all first (even this is not possible too, because active layer always stay visible) to get some result.

Select all the objects in layer function - objects visible in more that one layer are not selected, does it suppose to work like this?

Thanks for your opinion.

Link doesn’t work :frowning:

@matali: can’t confirm that. I used the link to the blog and to the add-on 1.4 (right now) with success.

Edit: ah, now I see, you mean link to a tracker posted in #62, I wrote about first page, sorry.

now in contrib addons.
thanks, congrats & well done :slight_smile:

This addon is really good and well done. It I was wondering if it’s possible for you to beyond just having 20 layers.

Very powerful, now I’m working on the bone later, but now I want to discover the outliner, I hope that it is scriptable…

Found a bug. Fixed code below. To replicate:

Select an object on layer 1, click the right button to move it to layer 2 (with layer 2 being hidden). Select another object from layer 1, click the right button to move it to layer 3. Both objects are now on layer 3 even though only one was visible for the second move.

Solution: Test to make sure objects are visible before moving them between layers.

Fixed code is here [patch for execute function on line 235]: http://www.pasteall.org/35341/python

Which class does this fix go in? Or is it all of them?

It’s in the MergeSelected class.
I will fix it ad do a new commit soon.

Tanks jacepriester. :smiley:

Merci, danka, and thanks! :slight_smile:

Thanks Alfonso! I love it!!

One note; the wiki might warrant updating; i.e., “Activate it in User Preferences / Add-Ons Panel / Testing / 3d View menu” - that filter isn’t necessary… and why isn’t this in the trunk?

I really like this addon; very handy.

Would it be possible to make it available while in Edit Mode?

+1 vote for trunk!

Great addon, very useful.
Maybe a better place for it would be in properties panel, inside the scene tab.

+1 for trunk!

Is there anyway of naming the layer then having it displayed in the 3d window so you know what layer and object is on when you select it without opening up the properties panel or looking at the 3d window header.

Not sure if you’re still maintaining this addon. Anyhow it’s a great resource and much needed. Thank you!

I have a small suggestion just for the wording of the tooltips: “Move selected objects in this layer” would make more sense as “Move selected objects into this layer” or “to this layer”.

No problem but would be quicker to understand for English speaking dummies like me :wink:

I cant seem to find the missing icons… i also dont see the addon in th UI. Im using blender 2.69 osX

same thing here, using blender 2.69
this is a highly valued add on, should go straight into trunk …PLEASE :slight_smile: