Your thoughts on signing 3D artwork.

In my opinion, it’s not that traditional art is genuinely superior or inferior, it’s just a different way of expression and has its own set of unique attributes.

Traditional art on canvas isn’t dependent on the processing power of a PC for instance, artwork made with it tends to be worth a lot more, and it has a texturing that (in some cases) can actually be felt. On the downside, there’s no easy way to redo and tweak, the physics of light and materials have to be done by hand, and there can only be a single original copy.

I agree, but I mean traditional artists who refuse digital media. If they had the possibility of adding digital media tools instead of rejecting/belittle them, I’m sure they would be even better artists. Not only painters, sculptors and photographers too.

*I consider “better” or “getting better” to any person who strives to incorporate new knowledge, skills and thus become a more complex person. I do not want meaning that a technique/tool is artistically better than another.

The only thing is that the mindset and way of thinking needed for 3D work is more analytical for starters and that can be hard to acquire if you’re a traditional artist.

Some people have mental characteristics that are just better suited for different mediums, for instance, I might find it difficult to adapt to an environment where a mistake either forces the image to adapt to it or ruins the painting.

You use your hands when you 3D model on the computer.

…? What?

This is how I read it

HAHA it’s just how I roll. But seriously, I’m not discrediting the artistic creativity in 3D, I’m just not discrediting the artistic creativity in 3D!