YafaRay News: 1.99 Beta4 released

eppo, can you try with one our demo scenes from the repository here please?

it is the best way to be sure that YafaRay installation works

Thanks for a help,
here’s cornellbox console output, render result is a black square, no material previews either. http://www.pasteall.org/pic/87315

Edit: Livingroom: there is no option for to save external data - it is greyed out in File - External Data menu.
For the Materials on Texture tab - each image has box icon and can be unpacked.
When i start to render - console: http://www.pasteall.org/58073 and my CPU 2 cores have 100% load. No tiles appear, just a black background in UV image editor.

Don’t worry about that. That’s my fault :wink: and it should not affect the functionality in the least. For future builds I will be more careful to ensure the version appears correctly everywhere.

Please, eppo, where did you get your Blender Linux 64bit v2.74.4 from? Or perhaps you compiled it yourself?

In any case please try the official Blender 2.74 download for Linux 64bit with this build of YafaRay and let us know if it works.

About what you said about the disabled “unpack” button, it’s weird. It also appears disabled (grayed out) to me, but if you click it anyway it seems to work (??)

Many thanks for reviving this project and getting it to work in 2.74! Hopefully work will continue on Yafaray! I have been missing this renderer for some time. Simple testing of the 64bit Windows version is working like a charm on my end.

Hi. I’m installed 0.1.99 beta2 32bit to 2.74.4 and it is not shown any errors in console, but when I starting rendering it shows me empty blank, but from other hand it still rendering passes. What’s wrong?

Please all people having black renders, will you try with the official Blender downloads from the Blender official site?

Please let us know if that solves the problem pr not.

OSX 10.6 - 10.10: http://www.jensverwiebe.de/Yafaray/YAFARAY_0.1.99-beta2_addon_OSX_10.6_Intel_64bit.zip

Reminder: just install right from the unpacked zip with the blender addon_install routine !

Will be hosted asap on Yaf site too.

Cheers … Jens


I can confirm that the (unofficial) Windows 64bit build of Blender 2.74.4 from GraphicAll shows a black window when rendering with YafaRay. It does not happen with the official Blender versions. I don’t know whether this is a problem in YafaRay or (more likely) some problem in the Graphicall versions respect to external add-on renderers like YafaRay?

So all people having the black window, please use the official Blender versions with YafaRay for now and let us know if they work fine or not for you.

Jens, thank you a lot for the MAC OS-X build!!! :slight_smile:


I’ve downloaded the latest Linux 64bit “Trunk” Blender build 2.74.5 and the same problem, black render.

It seems that they have changed something in their latest development versions or maybe it’s a bug in their “trunk” builds. In any case I will start investigating this to see if there is something I can do about it.

For now I strongly suggest you use the official “stable” Blender 2.74 builds from their website for now, they should work with YafaRay I believe.

Please let us know if the stable Blender works for you.

Strange i can’t download for windows, my antivirus has blocked it ! Please can upload it in more secure ?

I’ve uploaded the 64bit version to MetaScan online and only 1 of 44 antivirus detected something, and it was heuristics so probable false positive?


Don’t know if this heuristics is false but mine it says as infection : W64.GenMalicious-BJ [Trj]…

David, since multiview support in blender master, you must use the combined rect different:

layer = result.layers[0] if bpy.app.version < (2, 74, 4 ) else result.layers[0].passes[0]

See ?


I got black renders on a scene that had the compositor still active. Turning that off solves the issue. I don’t think Yafaray sends things to the compositor, does it?

Update: yes it does work with the compositor. Forgot that I used Cycles to do the original render and the nodes are different.

YES!!! Thank you, Jens!!! I got YafaRay working with v2.74.5 modifying the Exporter based on your suggestion.

However, there are two problems I’m having:

  • Z coordinate incorrect (very big number)
  • Of course, it does not integrate fully in the MultiView system. If you enable MultiView in Blender Internal, only the red image is generated but not the blue.

In any case I will try to make a beta3 as soon as possible with the initial fix, even if the Z-buffer is not correct and we don’t get the real integration in MultiView for now.

Thanks again!!!

David, the resultlayers all moved by 1, diff is:

Jens-MacPro:~ jensverwiebe$ diff /Volumes/Workdata/x-tra/Yafaray/yafaray-repository/Blender-Exporter-0.1.99-beta2/io/yaf_export.py /Volumes/Workdata/x-tra/Yafaray/yafaray-repository/addon/yafaray/io/yaf_export.py
< lay = result.layers[0]

> lay = result.layers[0] if bpy.app.version < (2, 74, 4 ) else result.layers[0].passes[0]
< l.rect, l.passes[0].rect = tile

> if bpy.app.version < (2, 74, 4 ):
> l.rect, l.passes[0].rect = tile
> else:
> l.passes[0].rect, l.passes[1].rect = tile
< l.rect, l.passes[0].rect = tile

> if bpy.app.version < (2, 74, 4 ):
> l.rect, l.passes[0].rect = tile
> else:
> l.passes[0].rect, l.passes[1].rect = tile

OSX version has correction in reuploaded beta2 already.
To test activate “Render depth map” in renderoptions.


Thank you SO much, Jens. I was getting crazy about this problem of the black render.

I’ve sent a pull request with your changes to the Master branch (see https://github.com/YafaRay/Blender-Exporter/pull/23 ) and I will also apply them to the experimental version. I’ll try to make some builds (v0.1.99-beta3) soon with these changes.

Thanks again and best regards!

David, my build was from buildbot and as i found render is possible when set to Image File not the default Into Blender. As i see this was due to multiview introduced in buildbot builds.

Thanks again for help and working on Yafaray!