Wow, got banned on my first thread!

I’m disappointed. This thread does not show that we can handle such things in a mature way.


I still love the symmetry of it. He complains that his very first thread there got banned, and makes that complaint on his very first post here. We really should ban him here too, to help him in his quest of getting in the Guinness Book of Trolling Records.

Bah, do we always have to act all mature? Why can’t we have a little fun? It’s not like anybody was expecting an in-depth discussion coming into a thread with a title like that…

I think Autodesk must lower the price of max and maya to 1/6 of what it is today. Then OP would be rick-rolled.

What do you mean?
What did you expect?


At least I did not expect this.

We can’t all come on here and tell everyone our life story or complain about how the teacher at school put you on detention for back-chatting every time.
This thread should be removed, its just a trolling/flame bait/winging, should go to off topic or deleted imo.

This thread is NOT the same thread he created on CGSociety.
He did not ask us to debate the questions he posed there.

Instead OP created this thread to tell us of his experience there and to get our opinions of it. He specifically said to “Check it out and tell me your opinion”.

So he was looking for sympathy and received none, for good reason. Where is the surprise or reason for disappointment?

I would have been glad to know your view on this, but evidently my strong linguistic barriers don’t allow it, but never mind.


Wow, what a bunch of children. I have never seen so many.

You call me a fan boy, but I don’t even use Blender. I am a complete newbie. How do you think the CGSociety has started to treat you better with comments like “… the renderer is only good for cartoonish animations.”

Also, … never mind. I was going to respond, but the posts here are so immature, it would be like talking to a 3 year old.

Actually, I think a 3 year old would express him or herself better.

Good point. Totally true Monster.

I am of two minds on this.

On one hand the OP isnt giving Blender user’s a bad name specifically since he admitted to not being one but rather someone wanting to find out what makes X application better than Y application. The problem is that his approach was badgering and almost felt like he was entitled to be told what he wants to know. He seemed so eager, so forceful, to start some hot topic, that it distracts from the actual subject. So in that sense its hard not to see him as a troll. By troll I mean someone who is more interested in getting some debate going, some thread that gets as much pages as possible as though theres a point system in place for doing so. It conveys that the actual information they might want is secondary to the drama and or debate they feel they can orchestrate.

So I dont think we should demonize the Op as giving Blender a bad name but at the same time not give them what they want in the form of drama and debate. In short, if they truly want to know about other applications and how they compare to Blender or why one is used more than the other, they can ask it in a better way without conveying that they just want attention.

We should be welcoming to new users, and not tar and feather them when they come here, however, in a mature fashion try to correct their behavior problem when it comes to attention seeking and provocation. If they keep it up, then pull out the tar and feathers or just ignore them.

My crystal ball says he’s no new user, just a sock puppet created specifically for this. I’d check the IP logs if they coincide with exactly one other user.

I think you are 100% right.

I wasn’t trying to get a popular thread going, but I did want people to voice their emotional opinion. It did work to a degree. People would say nice things first, then in the next sentence tell me that Blender was inferior in final output. Yet to be completely fair, it caused more hostility than it was worth, and got me immediately banned. I will not try that again.

Leigh was incredibly heavy handed though. Literally cursing me in a post, then banning me instantly. This went a little too far, and the company is actually looking into it.

So, in retrospective, you are completely right.

That would be in an intesting line of inquiry. Any mod willing to take a look just in case, because if so I dont think that user (on both or multiple accounts) should be welcome here if true.

In the ‘Read before Posting’ thread at the top of the CGTalk forum it makes it perfectly clear that starting a thread discussing software A vs software B is not permitted

I think she was remarkably polite. I’ve seen more robust responses.

I doubt it’s a sock puppet account. People with terrible social skills that make instant enemies for themselves, while being completely oblivious as to why, is a pretty common phenomenon.

I don’t believe that is still possible now the site uses Cloudflare

I wasn’t talking about app vs. app. I wanted to know if the rendered output on Blender was inferior in such a way that you couldn’t get a render to look as good as in the big apps.

If so, then there is really no point in spending the time learning blender over the years if the end result will always be inferior.

What is a sock puppet account? Don’t you have more constructive things to do rather than spend all your time learning the secrets of this horrible thread?