Wow, got banned on my first thread!

well, SamusDrake, you were very fair and honest in my opinion

I have to be a bit retarded, but I understand just now that he is not a blender user (its first post here), he is one who wants to know what other people think, I presume, before trying himself.


I also took part in that thread, and let’s just say that its degradation was damned funny and sad at the same time.

What a sad, sad sob story. Go sit and cry in a corner until you realize that nobody gives a rodent’s behind about what other people write on the internets. Get over it and move on before you embarrass yourself.

The main question I had was rendering. Is Blender 3D inferior to Max/Maya, and the other software. You gotta see the answers I got.

If that is the main question, why didn’t you go straight to posting it instead of writing several paragraphs implying that the majority of the participants in said forum are software snobs? If you have an honest question, don’t lead with insults. Don’t write “I know you guys are brainwashed in considering anything your corporate masters give you is the best.” and then be upset if you’re not being treated with gloves.

@simple3d - Instead of just criticism, I would also like to add some advice for you to consider before you find yourself in this position again. I think at some point, we are all somewhat guilty of doing something similar, but realizing and working to correct it takes some humility. A few times you admitted to an improper tone and apologized, but then continued with it.

You pretty much walked into you’re first “society meeting” and gave everyone at the table the raspberry.
If you are interested in a real discussion, consider in your question that you may not be right in the first place. You admit that the question could have been worded differently, but I think you should have asked a completely different one:

“Hello, I’m new to << INSERT PROFESSION / FIELD >> and really want to understand what makes you prefer X over Y. What is wrong with X and why is it seen in such a negative way?”

I’d bet the notion of ‘fanboy’ supporters would come up at some point, but you wouldn’t have been seen as one of them. If you were after a confrontational debate in a new community, you succeeded and none of our comments here will be worth anything.

Dont feed the troll

@skw: Language please. My sons are learning/using Blender and frequent this forum. :frowning:

My apologies. I just edited my post.

Yes, I agree is wasn’t a very well-worded post, and you probably deserve a lot of the hostility aimed towards you on there as well as here ( I know, I annoy people quite a bit myself).
Blender has actually gotten a lot of good press over there recently, and your post kind of knocked it down a notch. Blender does get some bad press because of posts like yours/fanboy-ism, but it’s been really improving over the last few years, especially after the UI change and all of the new additions/tools it has. There’s still people out there that think Blender still looks like 2.49, doesn’t have certain tools that is indeed does, or flat-out have never used it at all. Usually it’s those people who have negative things to say about it. There’s also passionate Blender users who will defend it to their deaths, as people like the aforementioned have no business talking about it in the first place. That is really where the conflict occurs. People really have to look no further than the top row on here to see what Blender can do.

As for the rendering issue, let me try to explain in the simplest of terms…
Blender’s internal render engine has no GI, which leads people to believe “it sucks”. But truthfully, if you can’t light using Direct Lighting, GI isn’t going to help you much either. You can fake GI in BI quite easily, it just takes more strategically placed lights. Luckily, we now have Cycles, so we are pretty much covered for anything we could even dream of making, including photorealism. There’s even Blender users who bash the internal engine, and this is mostly because they have started using Blender after Cycles was introduced, HEARD and BELIEVED the internal engine “just sucks”, or just can’t figure it out. That’s really all there is to it.
I have said I have annoyed people before, and it’s mostly people who have a million forum posts and not one piece of art to show for all of their gum-flapping and “technical expertise”, and if you have noticed, here and over at CGT, you have people saying, in a nutshell, make art and prove people wrong. I’m in total agreement there. I think you might have learned by now to maybe word your posts a bit differently, so I’m not going to repeat what has already been said. Artists are passionate people, and mutual respect and knowledge is needed when dealing with things like this, especially “this vs. that” discussions, which yes, have been beaten into the ground forever. :smiley:

you are treating him as a fanboy, or an enthusiastic user, but actually he is not even a Blender user!

this is the summit!


As troll-ish as he may seem, he has apologized a few times here and there, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt :slight_smile:

Program reputation isn’t as important as artistic reputation. We’re all dangerously sliding toward the dreaded: “My beloved Blender is being dissed on other forums! AHHH!” I’d prefer to just let the art speak and be done with it.

There will always be trolls. There are numerous “Why don’t we all use Maya/Max/LW…etc…?” troll posts here in BA all the time. They are duly banned and silenced and we all go back to our digital easels. They’ll do that over there on the Society, too, if they’ve got integrity as artists.

Back to the digital easel, now. Happy Blendering. =)


He did apologize there, but he only has one post here (the OP). So far, this amounts to a dive-bombing.

He successfully trolled there and then successfully trolled here. Next he will post on a third site and complain about how badly he was treated here and the cycle will continue…

I believe that would have been closed too as cgtalk has a strictly enforced no software A versus software B rule( a rule I wish BA would adopt too). Threads of that kind get locked because its like discussing religion, politics, climate change, apple versus PC on the net, the are all Flame war starters.

I suppose I have too much faith in people, I’m going to go make stuff now runs away

I don’t care much for CGTalk, but it’s pretty difficult to feel sorry for you when you were clearly just instigating stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Blendering to all, even to simple3d!


Eh, Internet.

Well, I couldn’t bare to see Blender ripped to shreds again with their usual lame excuses of trial-testing, commercial models and integration. Years ago they had a point with the lack of a re-mappable keyboard setup, but now its just poor excuses. The “poor” interface is a fair cop, though.

Yeah, also nice how we get tarred with the “Fan boy” brush when the individual who’s responsible for the “attack” isn’t even a user of Blender!:eek:

You’re probably right. I’m not a member there so I’m not familiar with the rules, but you have to admit it sounds a lot less inflamatory than - Hey, what’s everyones problem? The tone was more what I was addressing. Either way, 'nuff said.