WIP projects

Love most of them, especially the controller, except the bandsaw. It looks very old style with the wheels and all.

So I guess I did it right! :slight_smile: It’s a model from 1924:

Thanks for your comment mate.

Been a while since I updated this thread.

Here’s my latest “Photo Modelling Challenge” over at 3dtotal.com
Topic was a calculator and I modelled it against top and bottom ref photos.

My entry for the contest:

More stuff from Photo Modelling Challenges, this time it’s a Korg Krome 88. I’m going to finish this one and add as much detail as I can.

This is my final entry for the challenge.

And I’m now working on the back, adding more details. When that’s done, I’ll be cutting holes on the top panel where all those buttons are (:confused:), then add text and finally, final renders!
C&C welcome of course.

Thanks for watching.

I’d love to see what you can do for a MicroKorg XL, my brother had one. =)

iono if I feel like modelling another one but MicroKorg has quite some intricate pieces/shapes. Would be a good challenge.
Why don’t YOU model it since you probably still have the real thing at hand? :wink:

Unfortunately it got stolen, as did my computer, so I don’t have access to Blender for a little bit…and I miss it. =0

Owldude > got your comp, back?

Here are some more photo modelling challenges I have participated in lately.

This one is still WIP, it’s a Dyson DC24. B1tch to model if you ask me.

Very good work, only crit is that the knobs on the marshall amplifier should be thicker, wider - maybe it is the perspective, but they seem barely bigger than the screw heads holding the back to the side. Could be I’m wrong, but it stood out to me. Love the dyson ball, looks liek you are knocking it out

WOW is all i can say!

great work

I’m in the same position as you were when you started this post, a lurker not a worker. So it’s great seeing how you exploded into action and did all these amazing works using Blender. Very inspiring.

Craig > you’re totally right. I was rushing when I modeled this part due to deadline approaching but I didn’t think it was that bad. I’ll fix it when I get back to it. Thanks!

Lapland > sometimes we need a simple WOW for boost. Thanks. :slight_smile:

djw > well, I’ve been lurking blenderartists.org for a while until I decided to give Blender a serious try. However I’ve been a “worker” in max for several years, although I have only finished a handful of projects. :smiley: Glad I inspired you!

Here’s my entry for the Dyson DC 24 challenge. It’s not finished nor is it accurate but I won’t have time to take it to completion before friday (deadline) so I’m done with it!

Click image for larger version.

I haven’t worked on the amp yet but did this recently:


I liked these models great work :slight_smile:

Thanks tadine!

I listened to some comments on another forum and here are some changes on the clock hands, clock face colour and shader on the back.

McFly, you have some mad modeling and texturing skills! Can’t wait to see what you make next.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Why thank you Kryptonian! Texturing is not my forte unfortunately. Some of my models look decent thanks to Cycles shaders more than my texturing skills! :slight_smile:

Here’s a little something I’ve worked on recently (still WIP).

My entry to this week’s speed modelling challenge at 3D Total (no shader on the bulb, I was lazy):

Why are wire frame renders so sexy?

So you are a wireframophile too? I don’t think it’s that bad you know. Polygons are sexy indeed. :slight_smile: