Where has the 'UI Team' gone?

Box select is a godsend when you don’t have to press B every time you want to use it. I have mine set to RMB tweak for box, RMB click for select. It’s the best of both worlds! also, double click LMB to place cursor, works great.

I like the idea. But to me RMB should always function as a button that brings up a context-sensitive menu. (Or a a Dynamic spacebar menu in the meantime since not eveything can be clicked on context.) So clicking RMB to exit Cursor Placement is a waste of one click. Clicking another tool should exit the Cursor Placement automatically.

Yes. Requiring a user to EVER touch code is a bad design, plain and simple. Look at how Softimage and Maya handle custom UI buttons and panels. That’s EXACTLY how it should be. Drag-n-drop, instant button.

Completely serious. A ‘few minutes’ per user adds up to thousands of man hours. Is that time inherently less valuable than the time developers would commit to writing the required UI customization code?

I just don’t understand, we are talking about improving the GUI at the best, and you do reply “each one take care of itself!”


Clicking RMB during tool mode once exits the tool (since we can’t use any other operations in it anyway - think knife tool), next RMB click (when out of tool mode) brings up RMB menu again.

I sadly never got this to work for me. I have release on confirm toggled on because when I’m modeling I want to click a vert, hold down down LMB drag and drop it to where I want it. Like a constant tweak mode, I’m not down with default behaviour of grab where you have to click to confirm a translation. But having release on confirm clashes with marque select on LMB and general vert tweak.

I ideally would love marque select on LMB, de-select all when you click on an empty space, and a context sensitive pie-menu on RMB. It’s good to dream.

Have you managed to setup click-on-empty-space to deselect all somehow?

If you set the controls to tweak instead of mouse click, it will begin the marquee select when you click and drag and then select when you release. I have it set that way and I have release to confirm on as well.

No , you are talking about improving support for GUI preferences; it is completely different than improving defaults or generic GUI of tools.
It is not like there were not already abilities to customize GUI.

I really prefer that devs spend time to add abilities than cosmetic changes to already existing abilities.
By modifying script, we can add custom tabs, rename them, move panels in toolshelf.
We simply cannot to do it in Properties column.
There is no tabs ability for rigify, 3d cursor addons, Quick Preferences, etc…
It sucks to have Layer Manager addon in Toolshelf.

Imperial Units stuff is not well supported. For 1BU=1 inch snapping would be 1 inch like grid unit in ortho view. But if you switch to persp view; your object have still a size of few inches but displayed grid would be in feet and snapping in meters.

These are real UI problems that are breaking or slowing down workflows of anybody without workarounds.
Seriously, buttons vs scripting is not problem of pros or even serious hobbyists.

Colored Wireframe is abandonned for what reason ? Because a people that opens .blend from another guy should eventually be forced to change background color of his theme. :confused:

A team of professionnals working together is not able to organire itself to choose a background color. Come on, guys ! It is why there are chiefs.

That is not true, the implementation of colored wireframes will be continued.

Never tried. I just have the A key working double duty there.

The man is correct, zeauro. Campbell will be returning to the feature later this year. He’s going to be spending some time with Pablo I believe later this year with the feature. He said it would be looked at again sometime this year and I have it on my TODO list to bring it up Christmas holidays if we see nothing before then.

I understand your frustration on this and Campbell is also aware of how we feel about the matter. Give the man time to put action to his words. Campbell has been writing good code and fighting the good fight on a feature he really doesn’t care that much about. That’s about the best you can ask for from someone writing something his boss has pushed away time & again. There’s plenty of time to flip-tables and go mental if it fails to get Ton’s approval again later in the year. :wink:

I love where the team is going with the tabs. But, I saw nothing new in the UI for 2.71, although, I have seen tremendous improvement to render time and simulation time. THANKS BLENDER FOUNDATION!!! :slight_smile:

Hey, I put a lot of work in those Texture Paint brush previews.

Read the UI section in the release notes http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.71/UI

I did have it set up like that and marquee select worked but then it junked vert tweaking, I move my verts about with click and drag so it would always initiate a marquee select when I wanted to tweak a vert. I noticed the same behaviour with the Maya and Max preset so in the end I just left marquee select on ‘B’. I don’t like pressing ‘g’ every time I want to move a vert.

Ages ago I had this working, then how customisations were done changed and I haven’t been able to do it since…
but it may be clashing with something else I was trying.

I see that the MAYA preset does it so was checking it out to see how they set it up but am none the wiser right now…

but the maya preset proves it’s possible!

I found that too!

lucky for me i was doing a hybrid setup with select on RMB and marquee on LMB… so I could tweak verts with rmb tweak…

I found that @toggle@ doesn’t work in some setups though… so it gets cumbersome… was trying to add double click to select edge loop etc etc but toggle doesn’t work with that…

Changing subject slightly…

occasionally i spend half an hour in edit mode, go back to object mode and accidentally undo… it resets the entire session in edit mode as a single undo and all too often i can’t redo to get my changes back… very frustrating: doesn’t happen often but when it does I turn the air blue!

Anyone else have a problem with this?