Water mill

I’m new here and I would like to share my latest project.


I wish you had made a tutorial of how you made building, mostly including the individual boards on siding.

Very nice scene ! Congratulations.

You really should post more stuff on the forum. It is hard for an american to navigate a website in polish, but very nice work.

this scene is very inspirational as well. Keep up the good work

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very classy indeed my words can not begin to describe ow good this looks!

great nature and cool mystic effects. awesome image.

Amazing work! It just like the cabin in Disney’s fairy tale!

dobra robota. Such a mystical feeling this image conjures.

So, So beautiful. Only thing that i sad was WoW and my eyes grew bigger.

Very nice! Good bit of whimsy with the blue lights, and good use of DOF.

It looks great!


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Wow! Great work! The one thing I would suggest is water splashing at the bottom of the mill, it looks too flat. Other than that, this is fantastic!

Very magical and a great composition

Amazing! everything is just perfect and outstanding !
uh the grass near the camera looks too solid or unreal or something… except for everything else its beautiful.

great work friend, marvelous. I am really interested in graphics works. you did it a great job. congratzzz… keep going, never give up. boost your talents. all the best