WARNING! Do NOT upgrade to Windows 10!

No, official support ended in January. If you’re lucky they may release security updates.

See here for the lifecycle of the Windows OSs. Win 7 will receive security updates (“extended support”) until January 14th 2020.

windos xp and windows 98,windows 95 and ms-dos only in android device.I keep Windows 7 forever.Animation vs Animator artists has still windows xp maybe 7?

Just thought I’d mention that I happened across an article that answers my earlier question about Windows 10 Enterprise edition. The article suggests that Enterprise edition allows for ‘spying’ to be turned off in its entirety while home and pro do not.

Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Automatic Spying Cannot Be Stopped

Don’t buy things from a software company that has forgotten how to count; that means they cant code to save their life.
Windows 7, 8, ?, 10.
Xbox 360, then Xbox One. ??
WHY Microsoft why?

That would include the majority of software companies in existence then, many commercial software developers have changed their version numbering scheme over the last decade.

However, not all of them have code that’s absolute crap, so you can deduce that version numbering is not the way to judge quality (and Microsoft didn’t even use numbers for some of their versions).

There can’t be a W9. The problem is with the nomenclature in the lower levels. Many businesses still use 9X, and mistakes can happen.

when i was installing windows 7 from my dvd disc i had error called 0x80070017.How can solve this problem?Fortunetely I have Windows 7 Black Edition SP1.


Well if I have Windows 7 illegal torrent file iso it’s crime,huh?It might have problems with instalation.

I don’t know if Microsoft is going to break down your door, but don’t expect them to provide any support of any kind to people using a pirated copy of Windows (even in terms of patching security holes).

If something breaks, you’ll likely be on your own and you won’t be able to fault Microsoft if you lose your data.

I see.I was stupid by doing so.

In addition, the pirates will often bundle malware with the cracked versions so doing that might lead to someone having backdoor access to your files.

I haven’t read all the posts here but I can tell you that the exact same thing happened to me with Win7 to Win10. I was having an issue and downgraded back to Win7 to find that everything was borked.

Since then however, I have reinstalled (a fresh Win7) and upgraded to Win10 again and couldn’t be happier. Window 10 really seems like an a good upgrade imo.

That’s just scary… I actually considered upgrading… Just shows how stupid I am.

I bet Linux is better than windows for making 2d side scroller games.Do I have still have chance to install linux on my pc when my situation is Windows Recovery System Fix and Normal Mode(after that BSOD pops out for 2 seconds)and restart pc.

Do I have still have chance to install linux

just pic one of the top 5 or so major distros

reformat the drive and install


I tried Linux, coming from windows. It was inposably hard to do the most simplest tasks. Instating programs like blender for an example. You cant just click on a .exe file to run the install; no you have to open the command window and type code and some things are not reversible.

I was hoping it was a nice blend of Mac OS and Windows layout but it’s the black sheep.
I have to have GLSL in blender to work, but there was a bug where wants I instated a newer V.oo of Blender it stop working. So I deleted it and reinstated the older one, but it still had the same bug. So I reinstated Linux OS a 2nd time to have the same type of thing happen again. Linux doesn’t install over the same copy, but make a new Drive space making your Drive unusable for the others instated and you can’t remove them, So I have a 500gb but can only use 20gbs.
Yeah me :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s a lie that Linux doesn’t have or get viruses. You can and will. I didn’t use it for more then a week and got them. Linux has almost now antiviruses programs made for it to remove them and most of the hakes making the viruses for Linux use Linux and now there way around it. So who’s to say you got read of them all.
If you do want to Try Linux you can do what I did and find out he CPU of the computer you want to install it on and get the right copy that’s made for it and use a program you can find in you tube to install it on a USB stick / drive that will start the insulation as the computer Turns On.

How can I remove the Drive sections if I don’t know the names of the ones I want to keep?

Insaling programs like blender for an example



su -
dnf install blender


su -
zypper in blender


su -
apt-get update
apt-get install blender 

linux OS’s have to be the EASIEST IN THE WORLD to install normal everyday software

and even if you DO NOT use the package manager
the linux blender is a self contained zip

ALL!!! that is required is to open the archive and DOUBLE CLICK on the blender program

it is WAY EASIER than on MS Windows

For me, Win 7 is sufficient to do my job. win10 is too heavy for my Laptop, I do not want it to crack down