Various sci-fi stuff made in Blender (For my novel)

Googled for an eagle. Found tens of good examples. Picked one and loaded up in Blender to draw.

And few hours in GIMP, below was the result.

The logo will go onto the station.

Meanwhile, I modeled a window quick.

I am debating whether to replace all existing simple windows with this one. I am currently worried about ploy count and hundreds of the window model will go on if I choose to add it.

I did a preview render with 900 samples.

There are two light sources. One’s from Sun and the other is reflection from Uranus. The USF logo has been added as well although it will be added on all four sides later.

Everything is coming along nicely so far.

Reworked docking bay frame & doors. Added two more ships to make the scene slightly more lively. Detailing outside of the render area has begun.

Progress is at 20%. Hoping to finish it by end of 2015. If not at least until Jan 2016.

I am still working on it.

It’s getting there. I’d say it’s at 40% now.

It is almost done.

Absolutely great, just found this thread and I have to say, it’s really nice to see how your skills have improved over time. The docking bay is looking really cool at it’s current progress! :slight_smile: Keep up with the good work, if you want some great tutorials (and I mean with this youtube channel you sometimes find tutorials for stuff you didn’t even think of, but realize, that it might contribute very well to your projects), check out this youtube channel. Also regarding the docking bay, try to get as much detail as you have on top of the 2 semi circles, onto the “hinges” that hold them (those connecting the cylinder-thing with the 2 semi circles).

It is now complete… but I will say this is version 1.0.

Modelling this Uranus outpost has been very challenging for me in some ways.
First of all, this was my first big scale model to work on. It has taken me approximately 5 weeks to complete this model. Though I must tell you that not all those hours were spent in modelling. A large portion of my time went into how I design the space station. I wasn’t going to copy the trend and I followed Two Clusters lore in order to come up with the current design.
I learned a fair amount of new tricks and even developed my own technique during the process.

Secondly, I created a landmark for Two Clusters. For over 2 decades, places in Two Clusters stayed only in my brain. Thanks to Blender, a small part of Two Clusters universe has seen the light and is out there.
Uranus outpost is the background for Kain and Suu arc, so it has additional significance to me.

Thirdly, I got to see limitation of my PC. I had to tone down some details because they were simply too much to handle. The prime example is the windows which are seemingly shining dots on the renders. I actually modeled a detailed window to replace them only to realize later that they were too much to handle for my PC and render it in a reasonable time. But the detailed window model will be used in extremely close-up renders.

And even though I say “completed”. It is only version 1.0. I know there are areas for improvement and I actually have already finished concept of the docking bay interior. But those will come later. For now, the outer shell of the station is done.

Now, I’ve created 3 FHD renders. Enjoy. :evilgrin:

My apologies for double posting but only 3 pictures are allowed per post and I need to upload one more render as well as Uranus outpost lore file I created along with the model.

Uranus outpost.pdf (512 KB)

This is my concept of the docking bay featured in Uranus outpost model.

When a ship enters a docking bay tube, a tube will be pressurized. When a ship is leaving, a tube will be vacuumed.

The gravity remains zero in all cases. Ship material is titanium with its landing legs being only steel part. The docking bay platforms will emit a faint magnetic field which will enable ships to touch down and secure landing. The docking bay itself has more than one floor.

I needed more ship variant before completing the docking bay model.

So, I’ve been working on a new ship design.

Ship completed. Its name is AN Liberator.

I remodeled my first creation.

Below was my first creation in Blender about 6 months ago.

And now below is what I remodeled, not complete yet but it’s almost done. I’ve come a long way.

A small battle render.

Only slightly touched in GIMP.

I like the latest image. Reminds me of Elite Dangerous. Good work :smiley:

My current work-in-progress scene. I thought it was going to be easy but it has proven to be meddlesome.

Well, not to be a pedant, but you really can’t see lasers in space. Perhaps it would work if you made them more like plasma beams? I.e. give them a fuzzy aura.

In science fiction, anything is allowed :wink:

The story starts at year of 9599. That is … more than 7500 years from our present time. Thus, I reckon anything is possible. Basically, it’s fantasy.

This is fantastic and oddly, also like something I just started exploring - no pun intended. Using Blender to visualize an idea intended to be a short sci-fi novel. Long live the great global subconscious I think! Your models are lots of fun and the progress is great! I haven’t really started textures much at all but for some basics.

Isn’t scale hard! Little ships on big stations… Space presents a lot of challenges. Keep those characters poses relaxed at the elbows especially. I really enjoy this!

Scaling is a challenge for sure. I model a ship and I thought it was detailed enough. Then I try to create a close up scene involving one more my models and realize that, in close up situation, you need even more detail.

Spaceship interior is also something I’ve been loosely touching also. The more I become familiar with Blender, the more possibilities open up. However, the more possibilities open up, I see even more time required. I feel like it’s a never-ending downward spiral to Hell.