USS Excalibur (now with the .blend file, see page 3!)

Nice, Ilumination! Pretty cool

I knew this image was special. Congrats on the banner PTKS.

Yahoo! Poor Pluto
no more!! :smiley:

Great image, valid banner.

That’s one big surprise.

Thanks for all your comments here. I really appreciate it and it gives an extra motivation to work on new projects.

I already did that. I’ve posted the WIP picture too and I received quite some positive feedback there.

I don’t think you really need to hear this again but… NICE WORK!!!
Keep it up!


Any chance of getting this re-rendered from different angles, perhaps in different settings (asteroid belt, gas giant, over a star, planet orbit, etc. ). That would be totally awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that it isn’t awesome enough already. :cool:

Also, about how long would you say this project took to finish, from concept to completion?

Hmm, looks like a cross between the USS Voyager and the Akira class. Nice work!

Really really nice. I’m very interested in Sci-Fi renders, but I’m really inexperienced with modeling :expressionless:

edit: Wow this is my first post? I just found out I was somehow already signed up for this forum for a few months. Never posted I guess.

I draw the initial sketch around mid-october and worked on it since then, but never more than 1-2 hours a day.

Ohh, wowwwww…that is just beautiful!!!

The color scheme is great too!

Just amazing.:spin:

Absolutely fantastic, 5 stars from me!

I wouldn’t happen to know you from another forum would I?:eyebrowlift2:

Very nice! And congrats on being the new top-bar image :slight_smile:

Fantastic work and terrific detail. Thats a great blender image!

This. Is. Awesome. 10/10 from me.

I decided to release the model, but without textures (Even in my version are almost no textures :smiley: )

Here’s the link to a zipped .blend file:

Have fun with it.

OMG !!! THANK YOU!!! :slight_smile: I have no idea if I’ll be able to do anything with it, but I’ll definitely take a good look at it.

Wow. That’s one detailed model.

Why yes, yes I do. I see you are quite active here too.

(Not to be off topic or anything…)

Very cool it’s on the banner now O_O

one question how often is the banner done?

and this is really well done… i really like how you did the whole scenery… reminds me of the hunt… jk . It really reminds me of Star trek the old one w/ capt. kirk.