Tutorial Information and Guidelines

Have a new Rigging Tutorial on

Rigging a Folding Door… if anyone is interested…
see here…

So tell me again as to how I know my tutorial has passed muster?

Hi there. I have made a three-part video tutorial about making an animated bow. It includes things like modelling, rigging, animating,a dn texturing.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE0p_u726S4&feature=c4-overview&list=UUAyhgZ3bEy9pxRayeQqURdg

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-A672qAqqs&feature=c4-overview&list=UUAyhgZ3bEy9pxRayeQqURdg

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_DJoaOlpp4

I’m doing a series of videotutorials about Anime(Japanese animation) in Blender.
This is the first chapter. Not sure if it fits here, it’s usefull or easy to follow (hardly with my English)… I hope so.

hey im looking for a good grahpics card to improve the performance of blender.
i was looking at 6gb graphics cards but i was wondering how much difference 2gb
might make. please get back to me.

If anyone can provide me with a tutorial for modelling a quadruped animal, that would be amazing and greatly appreciated.( looking for lion, tiger, antelope etc)

EDIT: Tried to post my tutorial here, but the file is not enlarging correctly. It was posted to the thread first (sorry) and I got a pop-up message saying moderators would have to approve it, so I hope you guys got the original picture size :slight_smile:
deviantART link to the tutorial if that helps anyone: http://vickym72.deviantart.com/art/Blender-Abstract-Tutorial-391727121
And PasteAll: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=57137
Please advise if you need me to do something else, and thanks! :slight_smile:


My first tutorial, and all about curves. Hopefully the first in a series of tutorials on curves.

You can read it here: http://daniepstein.com/daniepstein/tutorials/blending-with-curves

This is my first tutorial on beginning with edit mode.

It covers the basics such as extrude, the knife tool, loop cut and slide and their associated quick keys. Hope this helps.


After releasing UV Offset modifier and tutorial on using it I had many questions.
Where can I get Blender version with this modifier? Why the tutorial is not more detailed?
So I’ll try to answer these questions in new videotutorial.

UV Offset was replaced by UV Warp (thanks to developers involved!) and now it’s available in official releases.
New reedited and extended tutorial on cutout style animation using UV Warp can be found here:

Nice animating! :slight_smile:

I would like to submit my tutorial on how to save time by using Inkscape to convert .jpg or similar image files to .svg and edit them in Blender to create 3D versions of 2D images (like logos, etc).

[Additional information: By submitting to BA, I mean to re-create the tutorial on BA rather than just link it to my WordPress article. How quickly are these requests approved, and how do we get notified our tutorial submission is given the green light?]

I have a text only tutorial for doing forced perspective, to bring your modeling into the real world without a 3d printer. I can get screenshots, if necessary.

Tips: I find it’s easiest to do this in non-perspective view.

  1. Delete original camera and set up new one that is centered on the x axis
  2. Set up a scene with the new camera and render your scene. Set the camera up as close to how it would be in the real world, height is most important
  3. Add a 4 vertices “circle” and rotate it 45 degrees
  4. Edit new circle until all 4 corners align with the 4 corners of the camera
  5. Add a face to the square and subdivide, the number depends on the level of detail you want to obtain minimum should be 3 subdivides and will result in a rectangle that is divided into 8 on each side
  6. Delete using the “only faces” option
  7. Add new object, another 4 vertices circle, add a face, and rotate 45 degrees
  8. While looking through the camera view (numpad 0), grab the “bottom” 2 points and lock to x axis (g key, then x key) and align them to the line just “below” the “bottom” of the scene
  9. Scale the points until they “touch” the corners so that the result will enclose the entire scene
  10. Align “top” points to second line “up” from the first, in the same way
  11. Extrude, grab, and scale.
  12. Repeat until the “floor” has covered the whole scene, can go further if you want
  13. Move the scene off of the “floor”
  14. Select all and UV unwrap
  15. Align points so that small side is at the bottom and large side is at the top
  16. Align points in a rectangle, with equal space in between the rows. The top line should be proportional to what is seen through the camera. The good news is that the pixels are divided by 8s and 4s, so the math part of this is easy.
  17. Open your image of the scene you rendered from step 2
  18. Depending on the number of extrudes you did earlier, image may look wavy, subdivide until it looks good
  19. Look at your surface from above. If you were to print the flat surface and take a picture with the distances you used to render, it would bring your 3d render into the real world.

I would like to post my 15 part video tutorial series on Octane Renders plug in for Blender,
All are in 1080p with a clear point to all videos
Here is one of the video tutorials from the series:

Hi! I wish to post this thread with a tutorial:

"Hi! even I try to write in english my native language is Spanish. I am from Argentina and I know there is a lot of people who is trying to learn but they doesnt understand the language… So, for that reason I will start to record tutorials for those who finds blocks in the english language.

This is my FIRST video tutorial ever, so practically I took one tut who was floating around the web and I translated…

I know that I will become better with time and practice!

Share!! and if you understand something, critic it!

For one blender global community!!



I wrote a nice and short tutorial “How to create seamless and tileable textures with gimp”
I would love to see this one posted, as many people here have big troubles creating well tiling textures.
As a nice addition i linked to 19 self made CC0 tileable Textures i made in the tutorial (at the end)

In this short tutorial i will explain how i create my own tile able textures with gimp.

Hi, i was wondering about making pixel shader in blender
can anyone teach me? :smiley:

Hi, I posted my tutorial but I don’t know if the reason it didn’t appear on the list is because it’s up to moderation, so I’m also sending the link from here for evaluation.

Thanks for approving my tutorial!

Thank you for approving my tutorial. I hope it will be helpful.


Althought its very usefull when everyone post their own tutorials,there are others more that should also be posted in this section.
I would be very happy if some moderator could make a second sticky, With all the usefull tutorials in one post,wich could be then updated as more come.

me myself am very interested in level-design so tutorials regarding deform of objects,curves,booleans,arrays etc are very helpfull for me and for sure if a sticky could just take those,organize them etc then that would for sure help very much.

it could look like this: Modelling\leveldesign(…) , Texturing(…),Rendering (…) and you name it.

Just a thought,but i see it in many other forums and i think we here need also such a sticky :slight_smile:
