
Awesome work! :slight_smile:

Beautiful stuff, inspirational! Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

This should go on the front page. I agree with @quollism – very inspirational.

Very cool!!!

This is really amazing!!! :smiley:

Great image, and phenomenal making of video. The music and flow fit the style of the image wonderfully. I really like the style of the image, colorful and painterly nearly hand drawn. You wouldn’t guess it was all 3D.

Wow! Absolutely amazing. While most people strive to achieve photo-realism in 3D I like this style a lot more. I think it shows a lot more creativity.
It reminds me of the Meet buck and Salesman Pete short movies.

Beautiful! That’s what I call real CGI art!

How is this not featured yet? O_o

That is just absolutely incredible. Fantastic, absolutely fantastic.

Great Work! Its amazing!

I love the style. Most of all, i love the leaves and the grass. I been trying to get a similar style and i started to think it was near impossible to do. This is gives me motivation :D.

Very good work. I really love the style of this. It just is pleasing to look at. Really fantastic job.

Top row, congratulations! :yes:

very nice, I think we miss only a few elf
or some gnome

Could explain how you did the shading?

Gorgeus, I really love your style and final execution. Modest yet charming image that really stirs viewers attention. Well done!

Inspirational! Excelent cartoony feel and colour balance. Good stuff!!!

Hi, very inspiring work . thanks ! and the end i don’t recognize the logo purple and green. which software is it ?

thanks a lot for all the kind comments! I’ve been away from keyboard (because of easter break), so this was super nice to come back to :slight_smile:

And Thanks for featuring this one in the header! Wooo!! :smiley:

I haven’t done anything fancy with the shading at all. Everything is just normal flat diffuse materials. The only trick is to try to keep the light and everything soft and diffuse (no hard shadows) and do a lot of hand painting in the textures.

So awesome!