The Ring of the Monkey Pirate King

Monkey Pirate King ring is featured on the i.Materialize blog today:

Congrats to Ben. He’ll get some hits outta this I think. More requests too I’d say. :slight_smile:


That is so cool. I whish I had one of those

Thanks LarryPhillips, I did notice that this morning. I still haven’t quite polished the ring off to where I’d like it, but given that it will naturally tarnish / wear / polish in parts over time, might just call it finished anyway. Still hoping to get some better photos done though either way.

It is the photo of the real print. And yes he is making them for real to sell.

Cycles render has more detail than the real piece you can see it at the Teeth are less detailed.

Ben if you make another one with the monkey give it some canines like this

Make it for Thumb Finger only version that way you can make the ring bigger and have the monkey head more visible , took me like 1 minute to see it clearly.

michalis - Maybe you can as Nikon, Sony , Cannon “render” engine ? LOL

To clarify again, this one isn’t for sale. Other designs will be.

That is impossibly gorgeous. Everything is perfect. I can’t see a single flaw here.

This is just incredible! You have amazing talent!

I honestly cannot tell between this and the real thing! AMAZING!

Gorgeous render!!!

That’s just fantastic, really amazing .

Cheers all. I’ve done a little post editing to remind people that most of the original images were photos, not renders. Just in case that’s still not clear somehow.

Last weekend we had our first (Mini) Maker Faire as a city and it was great fun. The ring got a showing, of course. Not sure if it is coming back faster or not, but certain parts of the ring still need more of a polish. I think I went overboard on blackening with the patina. Still, learning process and all that. At least it was for me, not a client.

Working on the next design now, which will be for sale. Another ring, so will take some experimenting with sizes and so on.

beautiful work. i don’t think you could have done a better job. amazing texturing

This is incredible! The details are amazing. Definitely an amazing job.

It’s looking like original only. I can understand that you have done very hard work behind this renders. Anyway keep it and all the best!

Love the metal textures.

Nicely done.

best , i really amazing work…

I really like the way this looks. Excellent renders!

Do you know what would be very cool? Create artistic “middle-earth” rings elves or dwarves.

Awesome…nice concept really.