The happy an open NPR sketchbook

the setup is complex, I don’t know how to explain it, I just feel it. XD
Hope that helps.

FreeStyle and something else (can’t remember)

a heavily modified version of edge node (personal version)

Testing FreeStyle workflow, we have intersection lines!!!

I still have more… later.

Cheers! I’ll check that out later!

and more great stuff, well done!

[ATTACH=CONFIG]239493[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]239494[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]239495[/ATTACH]@MonkMonk: the node setup i used.

  • another sketches.
    @Michalis: as usual i adore!

Different angles to show how the material works.

Cycles toon shader is definitely my new love:

Haaaa! Michalis the dragon philosopher is just sick! NPR is for him after all :slight_smile:

Thanks Antony
Beautiful. The lines? Is it FS? (we both became addicted to this)
A new/old one.
Cycles toon shader again. +FreeStyle outlines

Thank you, Michalis. No, it’s a compositor trick. As I said in another thread, I will write a tutorial for this Cycles+Compositor technique and post it as soon as possible.

OK Juan, I think I found it. (after reading your posts, obviously I didn’t find it)
Here’s a sketch. (composited in Ps)

@michalis : very impressive!
Is it dyntopo? How did you textured it(blended box mapping?, is it cycles?).

When I try that, I just get white planes instead of seeing the images. Not sure if I’m setting the materials up crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised… I’m absolutely winging this. I’m sure there’s better ways to do it.

Some great stuff sure is coming out of this thread!

Thanks, There isn’t any texture.
What you see is the pores, wrinkles. If you’re asking for the sketch like, it’s BI, enable edges render. On a shadeless shader. (lol, shadeless shader… indeed)

@michalis: thank you sir.:wink:

For the lulz. XD

This is me breaking the rule of mesh modeling (Z fighting the mesh)
and over compositing

Apparently you can do this in Blender

Hatching in Blender is cool, no external texture used
Just tons of math nodes

@Light Bwk: very interesting effects!
last render: did you use Material nodes or compositor nodes?
Maybe you used both?

@filou.rod, thanks.
The hatching render mainly use the compositor.
AO pass for all the effect.
Basically you blur it in X and Y directions (you can spin it too) and find the edges with filter node.

This is the long hatch line version, masked out the line going off the mesh.
4s to render and not using Freestyle, only compositor nodes for all effects.

Michalis, those are some nice renders :wink: might get me to finally check out cycles… once I get a good video card :wink:

Here are some shots from my current film project, I’m using ramps to get the toon shading, with a multi-pass technique which uses the
sampled motion blur to get a ‘painted’ effect: