The Great Ravine I: GREYSTONE

Real time reflective water! Looks pretty :slight_smile:

Animated waves

Heres a more chanenging enemy variant im currently working on among other things

Added a free camera so you can check out your dude!
New Screenshots!

As you can see enemy’s now have health bars, helps you see how mush punishment your giving them

Here’s that new enemy I was working on, Its a Boss Fight!


Very cool. Nice to see you´re still working on it. I like the water, is it from Martinsh? And how is the water performance?
The free cam and the armor look very nice too.

Yeah its from Martinsh, There seems to be a delay with the water texture updating, like when you move the camera around the reflection is a frame behind, so it does not line up. not sure how to fix but still working on it. Thanks man

Working on dungeon 5! experimenting with cobwebs and new light sources. Liking the result!!

And yes, level up bar added. works with a bunch of expression controllers changing the size of the bar to the size of how much EXP is needed to level. amount of exp needed increases with every level. Perks are in the game, I just need to disable them and add a skill tree you spend perk points on the unlock them! perk points are awarded with level ups.

First two handed weapon formed! still need to program it in and animate but will be awesome! attacks slower but does more damage.

Loved the visual aesthetics of your game.
Are you thinking about implementing something tree-like skills, such as those based on mechanical RPG games?

I’m seriously thinking about it, I don’t really like the idea of sta’t increases on the player when they level up to keep the player able to fight higher level enemy’s, like if your level 3 and come across a level 5 bandit your screwed. I want the game to be both skill based and stat based, not just stat based. so my rule is:

Buying equipment gives you better stats (Maximum health, damage)

Levelling up gives you new abilitys (New/Different attacks, Magic abilitys, Upgrades in skills such as stealth, athletic, archery)

A tree based system sound great because it allows the player to choose their own playstyle instead of following a predetermined path. There is no class system, at the begining of the game the player creates their hero and plays through his epic story(and backstory that is played as flashbacks levels at key points of the storyline) And has freedom to create their hero the way they want. If anyone has another idea for this other than a skill tree let me know :slight_smile: But yes firefox skill trees are looking bright

Amazing game, except the walk animations and so shiny player cloth(not the iron, but the leather and canvas/cotton ones)

I have been working on animations, I think that’s my weakest point right now, One of my high piority projects is to give unique walk animations for what weapon you are holding, and generally make the charicter fell more alive. So far I refined the base walking a fair bit, added jump animation and a ground punch that plays when you fall and hit the ground from great hight (Badass.) and ladder climbing animation.

I’ll go dull the player up :slight_smile:

Changing player textures to higher resolution versions. Big difference xD

Heres a in game screenshot:

nice texture and nice model I like shooting the arrow reminds me zelda

Implementing Skills into the game. Here are the icons I’ve made for it so far, I like that art style
Looting skill

Potion skill

Ashen magic skill

Obviously there will be many skills to aquire. On level up, you are rewarded 2 skill points. the skills in the tree have different prices, so a simple skill may cast 1 skill point, so you could get 2 new skills on levelup. some amazing skills could cost 3-5 or so, requiring you to save your skill points to buy the ability. I am trying to make it more ability based than stat based, for example it will add a new more awesomer attack to use instead of increasing damage by 15%. More fun being able do do new things than changing stats you already have

Day/Night cycle!!! lighting looks awesome

Heres where you encounter your first boss fight, this is the standard I am getting the whole game up to. Notice different textures for the walls, floor, and roof, piles of bones, barrels, vines hanging, torches (animated and for lighting), iron gate and wooden doors

Man! Supakid!
What’s up? Anything new?

Edit: Hopefully you’ll logon to actually see this heh

Hey!!! So much is new!! I actually sort of forgot to post anything sorry about that!
Check out this grass:

No lag and looks great :smiley: still looking for a solution for the overlapping alpha textures,and i want to animate them.
Yeah more questage, the dungeons are being connected through cutscenes and quests, telling the story as you play.
here is the entrance to a brand new dungeon, you get to go into the dungeon if you survive the climb :wink:

New boss!! 400 HP (real arrow sponge) with a few moves. normal enemies (like bandits) are constantly spawning and try to stop you killing the great devourer.

that is the side project.
My main focus is giving the player direction through quest givers and stuff like that. It’s taking ages honestly.
other things are like there is a “Press enter to start” title screen, that shows you character waking up from the lake, instead of just beginning the game there.
There is a bar in the city. he has a bow from his father hanging in window. If you kill these monsters for him (and pay some gold) He will give you it.
I am planning a better speech system. ‘Press E to say ____’ is lame. I would like to have multiple responses you can choose from. Not sure how to add it.
Did i post about skills? There are skill points you get when you level up. So far the skill you can learn are a kick, witch turns into a force push that like a shockwave pushes your enemies backwards. super cool. other skills are that you can look items from bandits instead of just gold coins, such as potions or arrows.
I finished the second tier of armour. So now you can have no armour, basic armour or full knights armour. you can mix and match them to achieve maximum badass look.
Ill try to keep you guys posted, and you gotta tell me what you think! xD

Wow sounds great! I would like you to look at environmental story telling, so the game gets more of a background. Would increase the joy of wandering the landscape.

Yeah giving like ancient ruins would be cool to explore :slight_smile: Even having locations line up with quests would be awesome as