The Ghost

Eye catching , waiting for more from you…


I’m really impressed of whats is possible.

I love the lighting, and the background really makes the image.

Reminded me of that game… Like Alien Swarm, but there You slay demons as guy with pumpkinhead… Can’t remember its name though…
Great Work!

Amazing work!

I love it! You have rendered this beautifully!

Absolutely love the lighting inside the pumpkin! Bravo!

Although this thread is, ahh, “back from the dead,” it is still a fantastic image.

Well, this ghost comes directly from Pandaemonium

Hell, that’s some top-notch work!

It’s just stunning!

Wow this is really nice

Apart from the spectacular technic, there is something vital in this image

I love the contrast between the foreground and the background. The glow emanating from inside the jack-o-lantern immediately stands out. Nice work! :smiley:

the pumpkin must have took ages!

Absolutely flawless imo, really top notch modelling right there!

This will be a new source of willpower when i need it in my times of hardships >.<


Great job. Loved the use of texture on the pumpkin. Great theme.



I have always loved this image! Excellent piece of art!