The bottomless pit of WIP

here is a render using most of the nodes from mslarsen (thanks!) I am mostly happy with it, but the tires and grill seem a bit too red.

I took out a glare node from the first render, because the results with it were a bit crazy, and I am still working to tone them down a bit.

here is an HDRI of the BMW

I figured out the glare dealio, the threshold was too big (or small? :confused:) so I fixed that. I think the render with only glare is a bit better than the other render with all the compositing… thoughts?

Well… I thought you’d realize by yourself, but as you seem not to, the wheels are quite misspositioned over the X axis. I’d recommend you to select them, go into wireframe view, front view and position them just where the body ends. Other than that, the front is looking very good already. I’d also recommend you to tweak the rear wheel arch area.

you know, I think I half realized that the wheels were wrong, but never remembered that when I was working on it :stuck_out_tongue: so many things to remember and do :stuck_out_tongue:

well, I was trying to get a good shiny wood material, and it worked(the image texture would be better), and then I thought, why not stick a car on it? :rolleyes:

here is the start to a tunnel scene and I am liking it. Bigger, better, improved render soon.

and a couple of nothings…

40 samples, 1:30 rendering, and I messed up the DoF I think. :frowning:

so let me get this straight for DoF…
distance is how far away the focus is, and what is apeature size? how far away from the focus it starts? or how strong?

does anyone why why part of my backdrop is showing up all grey? it did that a little in other renders too.

here is the .blend if anyone wants to take a look at the problem.

and does anyone have any help with the DoF question from above?

I’ve figured out the DoF question, but not the grey backdrop one from above. (should I just post a new topic in support or is here a good place to ask it?)

Well, I tried a different version of blender and it worked. here is a fixed render. I am going for and advertising poster type thingy with this.

Wow, now that looks great! Just move rear wheels a bit out… they don’t follow the body’s line.

Really nice, keep 'em coming :slight_smile:

Bmw and the blue drop top (i dont know the car) are looking nice! keep em improving

@niebieski That’s a Maserati GranCabrio

thanks for the comments guys.
I did blazraider’s (sp?) tutorial on car lighting. I don’t know yet if I like it or not. some of it I do… no compositing on it.
and I found some more modelling mistakes on the car to fix(nice long list of them now). maybe considering doing a detailed interior…

you should focus on modeling not on rendering.

I had had an idea for a set of renders to go with a car. works well with the LFA, the background and such need a lot of tweaking, and of course, the model isn’t at all done, but it still looks sorta cool

I’d love to, I actually had a list of stuff to change/fix/do which I have been whacking away at, but a second or third or fourth or… pair of eyes would be nice, I can’t spot all the errors myself. would you mind sharing some critiques?


uhhh don’t you know how to place wheels?! sry for rudeness but it drives me crazy… otherwise nice try but still some way to go.

just look on photo how the car look and look on your model and you see how diffrent they are.