Switching from Blender to Maya indie - what would an artist lose ?

Right, updating can’t be avoided entirely, OTOH. having to update versions once every 1-2 years isn’t such a big task.

As far as “switching from” goes … meh. Both tools will still be on your desktop. You can use both at once.

That is a very good news!

But UE4 / Unity engines don’t have to support old formats. At least that’s what UE4 did at one point - ditched old format and FBX files out of Blender wouldn’t load. That’s the biggest concern.

For compatibility you have to export or import in old fbx version like fbx 2012.
In the new fbx exporter the camera is broken, the Y axis is inverted.Not a big deal, except for camera tracking (it work fine in 2.69)
the current exporter just need a few polish, for common task stick to fbx 2012 is fine.

I guess you didn’t read my OP. The only reason I’d use Maya is to rig/animate and export to FBX. That’s if FBX export in Blender will no longer work with Unity.


@banjoman dude can you learn to post in one post instead of posting multiple times with each of your posts following each other, you can edit you previous post if you want to add something extra and nobody has posted after you…

i got called a troll and it turns out i was right

if my employers did not respect

my tenacious attitude towards hitting deadlines

and saving them money with persistently calling out errors in judgement

i would get fired

i apologize for nothing

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

Does anyone think banjoman sounds like long lost and forgotten endy ?

@mods: in other forums, while people like banjoman don’t have to be banned, their trolling and useless posts would get weeded out. Could you please weed those posts out so they don’t trash the thread ? (those post don’t carry any useful info pertaining to the subject)

Thanks Campbell.

I suppose I should not have dismissed this concern.

And I will admit that I was not aware you were “suspending” further development, mainly because I did not know there was any further development needed.

I also admit I did not know the history of your development of an fbx exporter and thought I was behind the power curve. I was definitely incorrect in that manner.

The fbx exporter is working fine with me.

You have helped me earn money with the fbx exporter because the Game Dev company that hired me to manipulate fbx files with Blender and Unity bought me a car.

Also I suppose the way I worded my response to this thread broke.

Manipulating .bvh files incorrectly does not make anyone mad. It just means your character is not doing what you want it to do.

ps. i still think this is a garden variety compare maya to blender thread

There is no .fbx apocalypse.

I was called a troll.

I was told that I did not read the link.

Nothing in the link said that fbx was no longer supported.

Marklew and Campbell both confirmed it.

Maybe the false accusations and the misconstruing of information to start another compare maya with blender thread as a whole should be weeded out.

When an employer pays you to do something

and then you do it based on faulty assumptions

let us all know how that works out for you

Moderation: I just deleted a bunch of off-topic posts and merged a slew of posts from banjoman.

banjoman, I understand that you’re posting from a mobile device. That doesn’t make it OK for you to chain-post a series of replies. If no one has made a comment after yours, please use the Edit Post feature and edit your last post.

Everyone else, let’s stay on topic. No need for direct attacks. If you have a problem with a post, please report it to the moderation team.

banjoman is a troll. He was told multiple times to read the supplied link and refused to, but continued to comment anyway in a very derogatory manner. The minute a well-known Blender dev shows up, he is fawning and apologetic. He still has no idea what is in that link, even though he’s been spam posting this thread with his opinions on it.

My apologies fweeb

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

what would artist lose??
i dont know, i personally use blender and very happy with it.Moreover it just tool at all.

with may@ you may get better connectivity with current mainstream engines.

—and I am not going to debatting fbx thingy —


But we updated the format, so it works… so if FBX remains relevant, we will keep supporting it.
If we don’t - and others really need it, it can also be maintained by the community.

On the other hand its good to keep our options open and support less restricted formats which show promise too.

I’m going a bit sideways but, out of curiosity, why not writing an accessible specification of the “.blend” format?
I know that this doesn’t solve the problem at hand (a de facto standard based on a undocumented format, which has no reason to be undocumented but to limit interoperability and competition) by one bit but actually the .blend format is not bad at all to read.
Having written an importer I also know that you can actually get a precise procedure to parse it out of the headers but, being a very lazy programmer, I can tell that the lack of a blatantly written specification draws people back from attempting to parse it.
It won’t become a standard for sure but it would potentially allow other programs to have direct importers. I mean, it’s really that easy to read it, if I can do it, any monkey-like creature can.
I would write the specification myself but my English is embarrassingly bad.

This has come up many times before… probably search old discussions on it. tl;dr - other apps would need to implement blenders internal logic for it to be very useful.
… that can be mitigated by baking fcurves, modifiers, constraints… before saving, but its still problematic (linked libs, packed files, changes between versions).

The question was about animation/rigging/skinning tools/workflow in Maya vs Blender. To break it down for you - I’ve worked in Blender for years and have certain ways I do things for my games. Going to another package (which doesn’t seem to be a case any longer with clarification about FBX I/O fate in Blender) would require to give up some of the ways I had in Blender in favor of new ways in Maya. So, that was the question - what am I going to miss out on in Maya when it comes to rigging/skinning/animation.

@mods: I think it’s time to lock this thread as I think I got general idea about the topic. Thanks.