Super Grouper

mifth - cool addon. Did you try to use Group instances (ctlr+g)? I think it works similar to your addon (adding/removing to group, enabling visibility etc) and it has some advantages like instancing of groups (shift+A -> go to very last entry). I wish you consider switching your addon to grouped instances, because of nice way it works:

  • it works with nesting
  • updating parent instance affects all of its children
  • easy workflow - just once click to select all objects that are contained in children group instance. You can then easily edit transform that group as a whole.
    But there is one big disadvantage, that maybe you could look into:
  • editing works only on main Group Inst., so you always have to remember where it is. I wish you could edit any of Group Inst. and all other instances would get updated.
    I hope this is not too far from what you had in mind while creating Super grouper, and maybe it will lead to something even more powerfull.

Hi @JoseConseco .
I think you should make your own group instances with Blenderā€™s groups. The point of the addon is to separete some parts of a scene and make manipulations with them. But all other stuff should be done with blenderā€™s groups (instances etc).

Btw, great art made with 3DCoat and Krita. I use these great apps too. Itā€™s nice to see a person who uses the same tools.

Great Work!
I thing it will be also good to include a freeze and unfreeze for each group.

Very good job. This helped me tremendously because I already working with complex scenes (with lots of objects)

@mkbreuer lock and unlock do already exist. Just check all icons in on the top of the addon.

Update: I added possibility to move goups up/down in the list. Also, i added Clear button in a case if you loaded models from other blend files. It would be good clean them up for faster performance. Also, i fixed selection of the group. Now it selects faster without hanging the blender.

I think about subgroups implementationā€¦

Edited: There is one bug with copied scene. Just donā€™s make full copy of a scene for a while. Iā€™ll fix it soon.

I donā€™t have test the last one, but, for some icons, you should use one icon only, for exemple the lock button, one clic, itā€™s open, one clic itā€™s locked.


Great idea! Iā€™ll add it!

Great! Iā€™m glad it helped you! Any feedback for improvements is welcomed.

Locking is temporary, select all in one group and lock, unselect all and select same group objects again, they are unlocked.

Hi Mifth,
thank you, very helpful script. I am using it with ā€œLayer Managenetā€ for organize complex scenes also

superGrouper = sublayers ( image above is the illustration only)
I turned line 51 from bl_category = ā€˜Relationsā€™ to bl_category = ā€˜Layersā€™. (2.73) :slight_smile:

@JuhaW there are 3 checkboxes at the bottom of the addon. You can tweak selection settings there. SwitchLayers, Unlock, Unhide during selection.

@krokodil You are welcome. :slight_smile:
I donā€™t use LayerManagement now and i have no such a Tab. But i have Relations Tab. Itā€™s difficult to decide what tab should be.
I need to know how many people use LayerManagement.
Btw, update the addon. I added some new buttons there.

Hi again.

I did some good fixes. Now you can clone scenes with all stuff and ids will be regenerated.
here you can see the commits

Please, update the addon if you use it. It has good fixes so that your workflow would be without issues.

Update: Lock/Unlock is now in the list.

One button to select group of selected object, if selected objects are in many groups then maybe some mark to groups or only active object group selected.
When adding new group, group renaming, cursor blinking and name highlighted just like Ctrl+LClick.

Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong, but I canā€™t get it to display in Addons after install from file.

Install manually.

Yep, iā€™ll add selection soon. Thanks for the report.
Canā€™t get what you mean about blinking.

Sorry, cursor wasnā€™t blinking, only highlighted group name, ready to type new group name.


It happens when you create a new s_group? Strangeā€¦ I tested on windows and linux. That does not happen to me. Itā€™s certainly Blenderā€™s issue. As they provide the GUI library.

Control+LeftClick group name to change group name.