Studio Scene Kit PRO

Sorry for not sticking to the subject Fweeb.

Very nice, and at a great price. This will definitely save people some time and headaches. I’d like to see more of this type of thing popping up in the store.

its selling like hot cakes.

Is the sarcasm necessary? I don’t exactly see any of the other products on offer flying off the shelf.

It is going to be interesting to watch how the Market will develop given the idiosyncratic nature of Blender. I expect that its maturing extend over quite a long process.

Folks, if you don’t mind, could you keep your posts limited to discussing the topic of this specific library?

If you want to discuss your like or dislike for selling Blender-related products, you’re welcome to start a new thread in the Blender and CG Discussions forum.

If you don’t mind me asking which render engine do you use besides cycles?

Thanks Fweeb, appreciate it:)

Just had a look at the video, nice work! :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Almighty BI!!!

Thanks for letting me know!

sure… but don’t worry about me… i’ll manage without. i know the tide favors cycles and i completely understand that you’ll have only a few customers to gain from BI
besides, with my favored art style, there’s only so much i can do to improve my lighting.
i just wanted to let you know what turned me off

Yeah, I understand, Thanks!


Sale is over

50 sales! Thank you to all who have purchased SSKP!! Stay tuned, update is inbound for Studio Scene Kit PRO!!!

Updates ------>

I think Ace Dragon means buying content off of that market and pass it off as your own art work. As distasteful as it is to admit when I was in middle and highschool, Well before internet time I use to offer services to “help” my fellow students work on their school projects. Why those services, where valuable in both cases is because they gave the impression that the person who presents that finished product has a depth of skills and or ability that they actually may not have. (BTW that was also a good time in my life for observational studies of human behavior, good times)

Now on the otherhand. If you look at it from the perspective of you have X hours to do something and the time you have is significantly less them X…Well We all need to eat.

Happy Halloween!!

The spirit of blender is freedom and the freedom to learn new things without expecting to give something in return for it. I use to be able to come here find an amazing addon and look for a download button not expecting them wanting something in return but that has completely changed, its a big change that a lot of people are not ok with. 95% of the arguments from blender users to autodesk users are about the price openness of it all and the loving sharing community most of which use blender for that exact reason.

I am going to guess that most of what is on the blender market wouldn’t have been released to the public without some sort of compensation, for the time put into the assets. I agree that sharing is great (I created a free version of my Studio Scene Kit PRO pack on blendswap). But people need to realize that development goes fastest when there is incentive to do so —> money.

Blender is free, and always will be. You are not required to buy anything on the blender market to use blender. But if something on the blender market interests you, and you feel like it could save you time/money then it is definitely worth it to support the developer/creator, and get a useful asset for yourself.

This idea that commercial add-ons/assets is hurting blender needs to die, and fast. I feel like the communities objections toward commercial assets for blender is really hurting its potential growth, and it closing development to would be developers.


P.S. None of this was directly meant for you LordOdin, just something that has been on my mind for awhile.