Steampunk Tractor - Rebel Rouser (BlenderGuru competition entry)

@Joey Blendhead Thanks :smiley:

Thank you! I’m really giving it all I got this time. I think you could if you try hard though :wink:

Wow man… This is really coming along nicely. I can’t wait to see this when textured, looks like you might be on to a winner if you keep working at this rate of speed and quality :slight_smile: Keep it up man, enjoying watching you’re project eveolve :smiley:

Thanks you! I’m hoping for at least an honorable mention but we’ll see :wink: Getting some critiques from Andrew Price and the rest would be awesome. Doing some prop modelling today. Materials this coming week probably. Down to 18.5 days!

If you can pull off these procedural materials than that’s a win in and of it’s self. I do like the barn scene more but you should use that cathedral model for something else. It’s still very cool.

@Rachel I’m planning on using it for something eventually. Maybe that will be my next project. Procedural materials are going to be one of the bigger challenges of this project I think, I’m quite comfortable modelling at this point. We’ll see how it all turns out :slight_smile:

I have been working on some farming implements as props for the scene, I have finished the hay rake. I didn’t make as much progress today as I had hoped, had to go mow weeds in the pasture. Anything is fun on a Ford N series tractor though :slight_smile:

Here is a full AO render of my composition so far:

Wow! It just looks better every update.:smiley:

This is looking good and solid. The wind wheel could be a bit taller, maybe.

Thanks! I made a hand scythe already. Going to make some mechanic tools, and some machinery in the shed. Make it a steampunk workshop.

I’ll give it some thought, thanks for the input! I wanted to keep it within the frame, but I might try making it taller.

Hm, a steampunk workshop, eh?

Yep, on a farm. Kind of a old fashioned farm that got some techy upgrades :slight_smile:

Hehe! I want to live there! :smiley: Please finish this! I am soooooooo anxious to see the results! :smiley: Either you or Regus Martin will win this one I think! :smiley:

I am extremely flattered :o I certainly am planning on finishing it!

Yep, I’m still working on this. And yep, it looks like crap:

The grass needs a ton of work . . . Incorporating the tractor will be fun too :confused:

(Mountains are not CG . . . yet)

I added the tractor. SOme work needs to be done, but now I can start finishing things up. I had to use two different .blend files for my tractor and my scene, as blender was getting dreadfully slow, so adding the tractor is interesting work. Compositor might be a bit overkill so far, any thoughts? I am going to add some ground cover under the grass, and continue proceduralising my materials.

I also hope to add: A character working on the machine, more details in the shed, dust and volumetrics to add depth, and a few more props.

Try using simplify in the scene settings, that might help. Your attachment is broken BTW.:confused:

Sadly I used that, it brought things down, but it was getting way out of hand. I also fixed the link :slight_smile:

Any thoughts on compositing or anything at all?

Your image has come down with “over textured” syndrome. It’s a bad thing, but pretty easy to fix. Introduce Fresnel to all your materials and it will make the image look so much less dull and flat. Also make deeper shadows and brighter highlights by using a strong light source and lowered GI.

Good luck!

Thanks! THat is probably just what was bothering me! I can’t imagine why I didn’t add that now that you mention it. Next update might be a bit better :wink:

I’m also going to try a low-poly version of my tractor, so I can have it actually in the scene. THat would help a ton as well. New angles will be tried for both tractor and camera. Gone way too well to look like crap now.