Shark Ride

Wow, this is a really cool looking project! The modeling is excellent, and the water effect gives the picture a really neat look. If I were to nitpick, I’d say that the shark looks a tiny bit too glossy and the rope looks a bit oddly textured/colored, but overall it still looks great! Way better than I could ever hope to do.

(And in a completely unrelated note, I just registered, even though I’ve been playing around with Blender for a year or two now. Where would you guys suggest starting in the site? I’ve already read the guide and all, and I’ve been on a few forums before, but I’m a bit lost because this site seems very overwhelming.)

wow cool image would make a great stereoscopic image to have hanging on your wall.

This has to the best one I have seen throughout this year.

so there is nothing to improve. The girl’s proportions look bit off to me (I would go for a slightly smaller head… and bit bigger boobs :wink: , but I guess you could say its a personal preference). Other than that, no objections!

I would love to see

Classic! Great work

simply awesome!

I wont this image for blender 2.58 splashscreen! :smiley:

I am so happy this made it into the gallery, very deserving.

Wow, amazing!

Complex and creative! I love it!

just perfect !
I love it !

Very nice modeling

Overall the image is well-executed, but the girl’s head is way too big. Maybe it’s the camera angle, but her proportions make her look like a dwarf.

Excellent water, and the shark texture is great.

Very nice work and great colors !

Brilliant idea, wonderfully executed!
I too would vote this for the 2.57.x splash screen! :slight_smile:

Thats a wonderful rendering. The original version looks better. And I have noticed the latest render’s shark eyes must be a little transparent, i feel that would make it look real.

Have you done the hair in blender too or was it added using GIMP ?

All the best. Waiting for the latest render.

Sharper picture with greater zoom brings out all these nice little details. Not to mention there are much particles. Nice idea and end-result.

I prefer the hi res version

the best ever work I have seen made with blender avery wesome
i hope to see your demoreel

CraAzyy …

The Detail in the skin is best IMO