Ryeath's Sketchbook

Update on the Poe sculpt. Calling it done for now.


Thanks for the compliments and taking time to look at my stuff. I still have so much to learn, especially on the technical side. Materials and shaders still cause me endless headaches and i never seem to get close to what I envision in my head.

As for the bowline, it was pretty high on the list to choose from but I picked the knott’s that appeared easiest to model.

It’s really not that much harder than some of the ones you did, once you know how to tie it :smiley:

I know what you mean about getting the visions out of your head and onto the screen. Something I’ve battled for years both with my drawing and my 3D artwork :smiley:

Poe looks amazing, great job! :smiley:

Thanks Vicky.

Poe is my favorite author. D

Did not have too much reference to work from since there are only two officially known photographs of him.

I still have ‘Tales of Mystery and Imagination’, and have always loved his work. :slight_smile:
I found some pics/woodcarvings/etc. of him, might be of interest:

Some more random weekend challenge stuff.


Yeah, um, not sure what this is. Just playing around but I liked the way it turned out.


Here is something a little different from me. I really wanted to figure out how particle systems work so I made this as a way to try them out. The flowers and rocks are particles, the bridge is an array. BI with mist and freestyle and a little color adjusting in paint.net.


Cool stuff! I especially like the last two. I really like the Freestyle one . . . fabulous!

Thanks for looking at my sketchbook Astro1derboy.

I had been avoiding particle systems because I would find myself getting intimidated by the control panel. So yesterday I had some rare free time so I decided to just sit down and deal with it. I have a ways to go to become proficient, but at least I can use them now. Well the emission ones. I tried hair once but that came out real bad.

Although the freestyle image was only meant as a test I did like the way it turned out, which is why I posted it, but now looking at it with fresh eyes I see a major compositional mistake. The bridge is leading the eye to a blank space. I think I should have added something there.

On a side note Astro1derboy, during my free time I also tried out the multiple UV maps you speak of. t took a while to figure it out but I eventually got it to work on a test mesh. I couldn’t figure out how to get all the UV maps to show at once in the viewport, but they all rendered.

As I have said a few times in your sketchbook I greatly admire your work. It is an honor that you took time to look at mine.


I spent a few weeks trying to get 2.72 to work on my computer but the new viewport changes don’t seem to want to play nice with my video card, so I am back in 2.69. Not too much to post due to that issue.

Here are a couple more weekend challenge entries. I think they both have a little potential so I plan to spend some time on both and see if I can get something respectable out of them. Along with two other blends I am working on I might get something done by, oh, around September.


Ah, there it is! I think you should definitely keep working on it, that’s a really cool car :smiley:

Thanks Vicky.

I made a dynatop sculpt mesh during the time I was trying to upgrade to 2.72 and was using it as a test mesh. When I finally gave up and went back to 2.69 for good I was going to just dump the mesh, but decided to keep it and see if I could do something wit it. Here it is in it’s current WIP state.

Once I finish this the Superbird will be the main blend to work on, but here is a slightly updated screen of the bird. I have cleaned up the front end and cut in the hood. I got the door cut in but still need to clean up the support loops and recontour the door. I also re angle the B pillar as I had it slanted the wrong direction in the first version.

I should watch some tut’s on how to do this, I’m sure I’m going about the wrong way. I’m just making up as I go along.


Stealing a page from VickyM72.


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Well, here is the finished version of my alien astronaut dude. I need to figure out how to make SSS work and maybe I will come back to it some day. For now it’s on to other projects. Skin textures were all painted in Blender. Flag and background textures made in paint.net. Some compositing in Blender, but no external post work other than the border.


Been a while since I last posted, had to go back to page 5 to find my sketchbook.

Here are a couple more weekend challenges, most of them rushed due to no free time ( the spheres literally took only 30 minutes total ). The zeppelin I made a gray scale render in Blender then tried to do a paint over in Krita. I made a couple other challenge images but they were so bad they can just fade into oblivion.


My most recent weekend challenge. I actually found about 4-5 hours of free time for this one, so I was happy with the result. I need to learn how to blend objects into the HDRI better. The car is floating about 5’ above the ground level of the HDRI so I had to add the rail so it wouldn’t look as much like the road was in mid air.


Another sculpt I have been working on. Could probably make many improvements, but ready to move on to something else.

And a weekend challenges again.


Wow, I haven’t posted anything since May. Had to go to the end of page 5 to find my sketchbook.

Here is a W.I.P I have been working on for a contest at CGTalk. Still a lot to do on it.
