Rendezvous in ink


This work is awesome! Great job! :heart_eyes:


I like that you went with the black and white style! Really makes it feel unique. :slight_smile:


I’m kind of colorblind and that was my way of giving up


pretty cool results. looks like a manga scan. could be worth it for mangaka/comicartists for complicated backgrounds and intricated places (like this cathedral) which is revisited or has alot of different camera shots.

Does it use a carcoal shader or is it overpainted or fed to sd as controlnet? the last step is not obvious.

the last step is to abuse hdr photography filter “local contrast” effect in your favorite editor and then desaturate it. Do it several times with different settings and then mask them together

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ahh ok, your result looks mighty better than those on the website though. Great look

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

The ink effect is awesome, and the other renders are really beautiful too, well done !


can you show us the ink efect,is it based on material or is a viewport hack?

It’s just the classic overly done hdr photo effect. you can use affinity photo or photoshop, camera raw, and even some websites offer the effect