Question, why texture paint doesn´t have symmetry?

Wohooo!!! Campbell, you are my hero!

Look pretty good, Campbell. There are going to be many people happy with this addition I reckon.

Legend! :slight_smile:

Hmm, I can’t seem to get it to mirror on a single axis; eg if I just mirror X, it doesn’t mirror, but if I do X and Y, it mirrors correctly on both X and Y.

Edit: After fiddling with it more, it seems to only happen in perspective mode. Ortho works fine.

@xrg, odd, works fine for me:
(be sure you have ‘Occlude’ and ‘Cull’ on… ) though it works without, for purpose of checking if mirror works its easiest.

Aye, Occlude and Cull are on - they don’t seem to make much difference. It seems to work if I uncheck ‘Normal’ or crank it up to 90 though. The problem shows up whether it’s on a Cube, Suzanne, or something I modeled.

System Specs: Arch Linux 64bit, Radeon HD 7660, Open Source drivers.

yay =D I might actually switch from mudbox to blender for my texture painting!! its one of the things I missed the most. cheers!

Yep, same here. With normal off it works.

Cool ! Ulllllltttrrraaaa killll ! > Player: Ideasman42 is on a killing spree!

Substance painter has is.

This going into Blender huh?

Very interesting, I had just gotten the hang o fusing the mirror modifier for this and turning off occlude and cull. Will be cleaner to not have to add the modifier anymore.

There was a bug in perspective mode, fixed in master (re-applying the same patch will work now).

Yep, everything is working now. Thanks!

How can I test this patch? is it in the daily build now? how can I activate de simmetry? I cant find this symmetry option in the last build.
And thanks you so much for adding this feature, it is very needed.

xrg is someone who is knowledgable enough to build from source and was able to make the patch part of source: It isn’t in any branch yet, but might be soon considering the progres right now :slight_smile:

It seems to be all but certain by now that Campbell is getting to where he is more than a coder, but a magician, he conjures up new rabbits out of the hat almost immediately after seeing user requests.

That will certainly make the job of painting a lot easier if it works like the sculpt-mode symmetry (as in, not using the mirror modifier), something especially important if you are to paint on a dyntopo model.

Now for someone to implement proppert texture layers… :slight_smile:

This is exactly what I would like to have next in the texture painting department.

Awesome news! This has been a long time coming and I looking forward to trying this. Thanks Campbell!