Ptex testing

I’ll give it a try tomorrow. It took some work to get everything working on my end, Nicholas had to push a CMake fix through to get compile to work.

m9105826 can you upload your build i will give it a try Tungerz build still have the same problem as i posted yesterday but now the untitled file have a painted square in one of the corner.

I just compiled with cmake @ Hash b851063
It is working as expected, well not sure of the bugs yet that m9105826 found.

There is something missing / not linked in scons builds.
Although, it is not kicking any errors on compiling scons.

If you try scons build.
I believe you’ll find that the brush strokes are not working…

Uploading a working version to graphicall (well with good intentions, if not a drop box link)
Guess I should just put current build links in one post, if graphicall isn’t playing nice ô¿ô
To keep them from being scattered all over…
So, I’ll make it my first post on this thread ô¿ô


followed all the steps, the UV sphere looks pale white in material mode and the ptex layer is red in the texture slots panel and the brush strokes is doing nothing, :frowning:

yay!!! thnx tungerz!

i think you could also use the normal node ramp technique just like in BI to give the paint object some depth and help in painting.

(in BI we use the geometry/normal node + color ramp, in Cycles use the input/layer weight-facing + color ramp)

just multiply it with the Ptex

More testing: I just noticed that Ptex is not yet supporting dyntopo, and i found 2 bugs that you can see in the video, the first one is Ptex doesn’t support or understand the modifier stack principle it needs subdivision surf on top but subdivision surf in blender workflow should always be in the bottom, the second bug is Ptex doesn’t use blender procedural textures paint well yet. Here is the video

I doubt it will ever work properly with dyntopo. The overhead and face/texel juggling would be ridiculous. Ptex isn’t really meant to be used with anything other than finalized topology anyway.

This thread seems a little dead. Last night I tried out a ptex build I grabbed from graphicall. I don’t get very far as texture painting was seriously slow. The alien head is just over 2000 polys all quad. I think I had my resolution set to 32 x 32, is this too high?

I’ve got to ask does baking using ptex work? There is a high poly sculpt to the alien that I would like to bake a normal map from but I wasn’t sure if this possible or not at the moment.

I wouldn’t say its too high, its just equivalent of painting a 64000x64000px image. I don’t think we will get the full benefit of ptex until someone implements on-demand projection painting with screen space buffer ala Mari. It would also enable regular painting at much higher resolutions. The funny thing is that is all already partially implemented in the code for the ‘Quick Edit’ task. The only thing needed is screen space painting layers (similar to view mode of Gpencil), and while we are at it why wouldn’t Gpencil be generalized to vector and pixel layers and used to an extent for texture painting via projection too. It all partially there, but in the historic Blender fashion its all fragmented and disconnected.

@el_diablo I thought it wasn’t too bad because on that paper with the t-rex from meet the robinson’s they(Disney) said the face resolutions went from 64x64 to 2048 x 2048 so I thought 32 x 32 for all the faces wouldn’t be too bad for a test.

Maybe you could try non-uniform resolution, like 64x64 at the center of the face, 16x16 back of the head and 8x8 for the rest?

I think Nicholas Bishop said at the last weekly its getting faster (meaning he is working on optimizing it). He may have some performance hits yet to resolve.

Anyway, I think Mari went for on-demand projection for a reason, and even with regular UVs projection in Mari with higher resolutions takes a second or two. Transfer that to a live painting session and you’ve got lag.

Hi, ive tested a bit newest build by tungerz
First thing that i notice is that mixing two ptex textures (same layer) makes something cool with ui. It looks like some good old amiga style.

on a side note, will this have mirror option for painting? i cant seem to find anything about this on ptex wiki.

No, Blender doesn’t currently have mirror painting and Ptex doesn’t magically fix this.

The question i have, is do you have any modifiers on this alien?

@doublebishop It just has a subsurface modifier. It was just a resolution issue like el_diablo said I dropped it to 4x4 and painting was faster. I am not sure I fully understand how those resolutions work I mistakenly took it to mean pixel resolution as in each face is mapped to a x pixels by x pixels tile.

When I painted using 4 x 4 resolution I didn’t test how it would respond with a different camera shots particularly extreme closeups. If there is confirmation that baking is working than I will test more but cycles will need to get displacement baking and rendering sorted out.

Oh, you are correct, it’s just that these faces are packed:


so 64000x64000

Yes i know that but that was not my question. I asked if ptex will have mirror paint option.

The answer is pretty obvious: not unless the rest of Blender’s paint system gets it.

Is that how the Voodo behind this madness works. Thanks Therahedwig

so 2000 X 4 =8000

so I could take this down further…

guys, where did you learn maths?
you have 32x32 for one face that is 1024 pixels
X 2000 faces, that is 2048000 pixels.
if you divide it by thousand, you got a 2048*1000 pixels image.

just tested , amazing work, hope this goes forward.
To me it actually seems much faster than classical uv, but it’s first impression.