Prehistoric's life recnstructions

Really lovely. Very, All Yesterday’s.:slight_smile:

i think i can now start tackling the task of 1 art work per week. the previous one was my biggest hit on DA so far, which is nice. and today i got another one basically done.

too lazy to render full size, will do so once i get some feedbacks. rendered at 200 samples.

the coloration is my proudest part for this one, kinda vintage right?

“brutal” criticism is craved for :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn that looks nice! I would tone down the lens distortion/chromatic aberration effect a little though, it kinda makes it hard to tell what the dinosaur’s chasing. You’ve got a very nice style there though. Lighting looks great!

noted. thank you Ben (your name reminds me of Ben10). rendered at full size, 250 samples:

Cool shot, although the vignette still makes things a little too defocused, especially the beaver-ish thing. I’d also tune down the depth of field overall, as right now it makes the scene feel small. Additionally, the dinosaur isn’t properly lit, considering the background. While the dinosaur seems to have a strong light source directly above it, the mountains in the background are clearly illuminated by a faint sunset glow, coming from the right. Always keep lighting in mind when you put a blender model over a photo background.

P.S. The render of the stargazing T. Rex is just lovely, I think the lighting as well as its pose are both splendid.

thank you. the white patches on the dinosaur actually comes from the color map, plus the hair shaders create this effect of a much brighter lit area with less density of hairs. i did forgot to check the lighting of the background image (which is very bright BTW, i toned it down and changed it’s color for composition) and fixed it accordingly. also play more with the post processing work, trying to balance the scene. and finally added a foggy affect to imphasize the scale of the environment.

for this week, feeling like doing something “LAVALY”, maybe i should have saved it for Valentines…

would LAVA any critism. i LAVA that short film… :smiley:

long time no post, folks. a little advertisement (i sound like Andrew Price xD ), check out my portfolios on various websites and my blog. links at my sig. if you wanna see how un-attractive a Vietnamese kid look, head to my website :stuck_out_tongue:

anywho, finished a lot since the last post here, but never got around to show it, i have grew quite fond of the Blender facebook page, feedback always comes so fast as so many people is constantly there. today i finished another dino, the more complex scene is underway:

it’s on sketchfab too! look at it up close and personal!

Very nice texturing work on that!

Nice anatomy on that.
I really get a sense the weight being supported down through the legs to the feet. Good feeling of underlying bone and musculature.

Nice do you animate them as well ?

As for the water in your scenes and the waves, maybe try canvas paint modifier, it has han option to simulate something that creates waves, so the water around the animals is not so calm… there are more tricks posible with it, ea noise map over canvas painted area as a bump, and set color of waves in cycles a bit based upon slope of the vertex, the more up the white.

thanks, i haven’t look into dynamic paint yet, but i will when the right time (project) comes.

and the model is animatable. simplify topology and rigged too, but a very basic one cause i haven’t been able to really wrap my head around how IK works yet. yet another thing on the list to learn.

so this is the idea i had, the reason i made that parasaurolophus. still doing the time travelling theme of the last piece. tell me if it works.

960*960, 100 samples.