Pirate WIP

@Kalinaki …Hey thanks for all the feedback again. You can’t see it in my renders but the bandanna does have a knot at the back…:slight_smile: About his face. I am not finished tweaking it and he actually still needs his real eyes and if I get the shader right it will also make a difference. His mouth is a bit bigger than standard but that was a design decision. About the texturing…you can’t see it in my last render but I have worked on it…it is the sss shader that burns out the texturing a bit and I have made masks now for his lips so that the underneath colour comes through more…so hopefully that will address that issue. His hair is to straight at the back but I am not to concerned with it since I will tweak the final hair version to match his pose. Your comments are very appreciated. Feel free to just point them out if you see any other issues!
@Talebreeder Thanks man. This is a really nice comment about the texturing since I do not have much time. I have spent only a fraction of time on texturing compared to what I would do normally…so I’m not happy yet but hopefully will still get some more time on it to make it less generic and more unique.
@OX-Gears …thanks I hope he lives up to your expectations…but time is a commodity I do not have and I am also stubborn trying to only use my old 2009 Macbook for the complete project. Hope it does not bite me in the but…:slight_smile:

Your character has turned out great. I’m curious about your final screen and wish you best luck in the competition.

understood, do what you gotta do with the time ya got, LOL i’ve been there.

Thanks guys… Working on a pose and scene currently. Keeping it simple but hopefully it will be decent!

The suspense is killing me.

Your pirate character is coming along well, Shakedown! The modeling and materials are looking great already, I’m looking forward to seeing what scene you choose to place him into!

Hey. Calling this done. A lot more I could have done with him but I have no more time for it. It was fun. Thanks for all your feedback while I was working on it. Much appreciated. Good luck to everyone in the comp. There are many great looking characters.


Awesome. Lovely scene.

To me, the foot that is to the right is a bit distracting, I cant really tell what it is. But anyways, if it is done, it is done.

Great work man.

Looks very cool. I especially like his determined look and the pose of his left foot.

I’ve been following this for a while and this has turned out so awesome! The character itself is so far beyond from my abiltities that I can’t even say anything about it and the pose and the composition is just epic!!! Love the view into the far!

Great job, turned out really good. You should be proud of yourself.

Good result and i really like the very nice texture details you’ve done. I wish you good luck in the competition.

This really did come out great, best of luck to you… all he is missing is some rum :slight_smile:

Thanks guys

@Kalinaki Thanks for all the support man, I tweaked that foot quite a bit and thought it looks good now but it is such a subtle pose and it may not be perfect yet.
@mhermann I am glad you like his pose. I was not sure if the determined look was going to come a cross, so I am glad it did…:slight_smile:
@IronLung That is such a compliment man. As I have said on your thread… You did a wonderful scene. I am glad you liked the composition.
@dragonrlh Thanks…now that I have wrapped this on up I can follow your thread again…:slight_smile:
@minoribus I used a different approach to texturing this time and honestly it is not up to par with what I would normally do but in the light of this comp I am pleased with them. They do lack details but since it’s not a close-up shot, it works. But I am glad you like them none the less!..:slight_smile:
@harleynut97 believe me I have tried adding it…:slight_smile: He was originally going to be placed on a Rum barrel pedestal filled with rum and this scene inside it as if his ship was sinking into the rum. But it would have placed less emphasis on the character, so I refined it to what you see now…:slight_smile:

Looks fantastic Shakedown, love the texturing and materials in this - good luck in the competition dude!

Hey, Shakedown, congratulations on the honourable mention. Well deserved :slight_smile:

Yeah, congratulations. You would have well deserved being among the finalists, though.

Hey thanks guys!..:slight_smile: Much appreciated!

I personally think the whole contest turned into a fiasco at the end. I am confident when I say that your character had to be placed a bit further in the ‘rankings’.

Too many attention seekers…what can you do.