Pirate WIP

Hey he’s looking awesome now dude! Love the shirt - nice texturing for something that you haven’t started texturing yet! You considered giving him a beard?

@OX-Geers…Welcome …:slight_smile: Some nice sculpting you have going on in your blog. Feel free to crit if you see anything that doesn’t seem to work!

@islara1… Thanks! I will definitely dirty him up when I start texturing but he probably won’t end up looking like the typical dirty pirate. He is still early in this profession…:slight_smile:

@Talebreeder…I also like the direction of the new shirt…might still change the color though…will see…:slight_smile: The jury isn’t back on the beard yet. For now I am happy with his stubble! Thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated!

Hey, Shakedown, this is improving with every post. The only thing that needs improvement imho are his very smooth and uncreased bootlegs. Perhaps you could sculpt some wrinkles for them, especially around the ankles.

Good work, keep it up :slight_smile:

@minoribus Thanks…:slight_smile: I will get to those boots eventually…will definitely give it another sculpting pass. Working my way down the character at the moment.

Here is a small update…sorry for the long delay but have been busy with the fun stuff like retopology, UV mapping and Baking…:slight_smile: Just started texturing. Some things Ive done are experiments so anything might change and nothing is completely done yet…Played around with my skin shader and I think I am quite happy with it now…it even holds up for closeups…but might still tweak it a bit though.


This is looking really good! What nodes did you use for the clothes? I think I see a bit of velvet node in the top?

@peter18 Hey…Thanks…You are right about the velvet node! I attached the shirt and pants node setups…but they might/probably will change as I ad new things and tweak it to match! Did another sculpting pass on the shirt and it is getting close to done now. Dropped in the sword for good measure!..:wink:


To be honest, I thought the head is the weakest part in the model…until I saw the whiskers. My personal opinion is if you add beard with braids(Jack Sparrow style), the head will start to look like a million bucks. It is going to be tricky but I think it will pay off.

But perhaps you have other plans for him. Good luck.

@Kalinaki Thanks for your feedback…I am still working on the facial hair. Probably won’t do the Jack Sparrow hair since its become the goto look for any pirate…:)…but will try and make his facial hair interesting. Already started lengthening it.

Basic update with hair extensions and base leather coat…:slight_smile: I really need to get to the gloves and boots now!


I agree with you and take my words about the Jack Sparrow. Already looking better with that hair.

Hey…I never intended using him for anything close up…but he is holding up ok closer up! Still playing around with facial hair! The hair at the back has to be tweaked still but it rests nicely on his shirt…so it looks a bit weird without it!


That looks quite awesome man. :slight_smile:
Great progress. Do you have the spec on the bust orange or the light is orange? Because we, humans have white specular on the skin as far as I know.
I like how the hat looks and the chest hair idea, very masculine.
Good luck with the project!

Hey…No there is no orange spec or light but it is the SSS that is causing this…but since I am happy with the SSS result at the moment it is easily compensated for with slight post tweaks…already did a few tests and I am very happy with the results! Thanks for pointing that out to me though…I am doing this project on my old 2009 Macbook…and its screen is not that great anymore…much appreciated!

Looks super shakedown. In my optional hin sein is a liste bit to waxy. But all in all great work you do here!

Where is the bandana?

If you are left with enough time, play with the bandana, try placing it so it covers the forehead and the ears.

Looking better every time.

Nice improvements. I like the hat and how it looks aged but I think its a bit too shiny like its wet. I dont know it might just be the light. The pores look too big and deep I think.

Other than that it looks great. Keep it up.

Hey…@AlinB, @ndee, @Kalinaki, @Dragonrlh Thanks guys so much for the input. Much appreciated! I have taken it all on board and have already tweaked quite a few thing.

Here is the last update for this character WIP. There is still a lot of texturing, tweaking, detailing and hopefully adding of more items before I am done…but as I do that I am going to start putting together the scene and I want to at least keep a few things a surprise for my final entry…so thanks again for your input and hopefully I will do him justice in the final scene!


I love the hat and bandana combo + the hair.
I know It wont be seen probably but do you intend to make a knot for the bandana on the back of the head?

very nice indeed, he came together pretty well ::thumbs up:: can’t wait to see the final bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Shakedown this is looking pretty fantastic! I’m really impressed with the close-ups, your texturing is excellent. Can’t wait to see what you do with the scene! Keep up the awesomeness dude!

I have to be honest because this model is my favorite for various reasons.

Something is off with the face. At least to me.

Maybe it is the lips, maybe they are a bit big or maybe lack of texturing.

Maybe the straight hair and the whiskers do not match perfectly with his butch face and facial hair.

It is up to you at the end though. Chances are comments like mine might confuse you and you might take a ‘U’ turn from your original idea. I hope I am helping so at least you could consider things from a different angle.